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Yesterday was my 5th fast and managed it quite easily. Helped by the fact that I just didn't feel hungry all day.

Now after fasting a few times I've noticed some not so nice effects of fasting but also some amazing effects.

Starting with the not so nice: first 2 fasts I had the most horrendous of headaches, the first one took 2 days to clear completely.

Yesterday, the 5th fast I had the most horrendous oesophaeal pain. Last year I was investigated for swallowing problems and pain, had an endoscope and barium swallow and nothing abnormal was detected. Over the last 6 months these symptoms have subsided. However yesterday was horrendous, at one point I felt my throat was going to close over but finally managed to get rid of the sensation by drinking diet pepsi.

Now after having spent yesterday in discomfort I did a bit of online research and think these symptoms are down to GORD (reflux) which I suppose is a result of going 24 hours without eating.

Now the good, today day 13 I weigh 8lbs less and my clothes are hanging. My tummy is totally different, and I've lost the bloated sensation. My skin looks so much better and I seem to be sleeping well too.

My husband is also inspired after weighing in today after his 5th fast at a whole 14lbs lighter.

I love this way of eating, so long as I can keep on top of the side effects.
hi, I suffer with esophageal spasm too,but I have found mine has settled down since doing 5:2, i do drink plenty of caffeine free diet coke, water, coffee on fast days though. So maybe regular drinks will help? Well done on 5 fasts!
Hi i also have a awful head on my first fasting day. i put it down to overheating as well as going to the gym and not warming down properly because the gym was so busy. But then for the last 2 weeks i have had a constant headache which i have had 3 years ago, this time of year as well. ive been to the doctors and have been given a very low dose of diazipam (valium) to get rid of the headaches. when i was put on this the last time it worked, but this time is hasnt and ive been on the tablets since tuesday afternoon. now it might just be because i havent given them enough time to work but could this be related to the 5:2 diet?? I dont want to stop the diet as ive just finished my second week (4 fastings) and ive lost 5lb already which is the most ove lost for a long time. any suggestions or advice??
The headaches get less and less the more fasts you do. You should not be having headaches between fasts though so there is obviously something else going you have experienced previously.

Diazepam works by relaxing the muscles that cause tension headache but the headaches from fasting are not due to tension but from a combination of dehydration if you don't drink enough, salt loss if you drink too much and low blood sugar which improves once you're body learns to adapt to fasting. So the diazepam won't help there.

I would expect that you might need a but longer to adjust because of the double whammy of the underlying headache problem plus the fasting. If at the end of next week there is no improvement it could be worth going back to the doc. In the meantime, you could take some paracetamol on fast days to try to ward off the headache (but not every day please).
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