so this is my first fast day; I've fasted before (not for a while though - and it's always a bit freaky after time away), and I usually employ an eating window of 6-8hrs most days, so, on 5:2, this is my first ... I'd like to call it "repair" day as I saw another member do so (I think it has more appropriate connotations). Nighttime is my dangerous time, I never eat breakfast anyway, and I am often studying or busy through lunch, but come nighttime I could eat my own child! With that in mind, the majority of my calories will be eaten at night.
Here is what I have planned:
Morn: 200ml orange juice = 88
150ml milk (for tea) = 49
5 PM: Weight Watchers meal = 245
100g frozen vegetable = 45
15 garlic mushrooms = 60 (boiled, then seasoned with garlic salt.)
Total: 487
And here are the rules I'll be following:
Feed: Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon.
Repair: Tues, Thurs (although I may do another repair day on fridays - I'll see how I feel at the time)
Feed = 1500 kcal, Repair = 500 kcal
(average per day = 1200)
Eating window = 2-10PM most days (the window position may change if I don't feel like eating until later, but it'll not go over 8 hrs, and might loosen up at the weekend)
Weigh Day = Wed
No refined carbs on repairs days, and reduced anyway on other days.
I may reduce my feed days as I went for the 1500 yesterday and found it quite difficult without eating crap like chocolate, although it may have been because I left it until 4 to eat (I've been employing an eating window of 4-11pm for a while), so I think I'll need to get into the habit of eating a bit earlier.
Some of these rules are subject to change depending on the needs of a new job I have a conditional offer for. But that's about it.
I hope to journal a few times a week, and I look forward to reading everyone else's and sharing in our 5:2 ups and downs.
Oh yeah, this isn't a diet for me as such - I have a little weight to lose to get to where I was happier a couple of years ago, but if this is in harmony with my body it will be for life with any appropriate adjustments. Eating is something I've never quite found a way of that suited me, so I am looking for a lifetime solution.
Thanks for reading.