That means I am at the weight I was in 2006.
I feel like I weigh the amount I was pretending I weighed while knowing I looked bigger and wishing I was smaller. Does that make any sense???
I'm not going to try for any "maintenance" phase yet. I enjoy fasting (just don't ask me at 8pm fast day). I have relaxed a little on TDEE on feed days but I think that was a phase of a few weeks and may be over.
A coworker who hadn't seen me in months was astonished at my weight loss. But at this point it feels normal, like of course this is how I should look!
In a few more weeks I may actually match the weight on my drivers license.
My sincere thanks goes out to MM for making the doc (though I won't be going on their forum to tell him!) and changing my life in such a short period of time!!!