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Hi everyone. I wanted to watch this new BBC doco shown the other day in the UK, but the BBc website only allows UK access, and i am in Sydney so I watched it on You Tube. Here is the link...

It's good, and confirms what we know about the diet industry! I wanted to yell at the presenter, "tell them about 5:2" as this is NOT an expensive money making business, but a scientific formula and long term way of life. Anyway, it is definitely worth watching.
Thanks for the reminder as I wanted to watch that. Especially after years of falling for their nonsense!
The second one of the series will be on tonight so keep an eye out for that one hitting You-Tube too. Its about exercise tonight.
I thought it was a good documentary. And proof that diets only work if people have the motivation to change their lifestyle habits once they have achiever the weight they want. It was interesting to hear the old boss of Slimfast speak - he said he weighed himself religiously on a daily basis in order to keep his weight in check. It is the only way I manage to maintain my weight too!
Ran across this summarizing article of Part 1 while searching for a transcript of it: ... e-us-thin/

which contains a link to a transcript for part 2. :-(

I'm still looking for a transcript of part 1...
Richard Simmons really is quite special. This is a treat.
Thanks to the posters who found the link. I really enjoyed the doco. I've just watched the clips courtesy of links found here, so now I remember who Richard Simmons is! I must have seen something about his techniques before. He is dynamic, for sure and full of cheeky cheeriness, vim and vigour.
I enjoy exercising and found social exercising worked for me. I look forward to our local council run gym which is to have Grand Opening soon.
This is turning into a fascinating series. Good presenter.

What was very clear on last night's programme is that exercise does not make you lose weight. And the various clubs, etc that say that are wrong.

On the other hand, exercise is clearly good in so many other ways - cardiac health, state of mind etc., so I hope people don't give up on it!

Right at the end somebody mentioned about how, in prehistoric times, people had to eat through the summer when food was plentiful to survive the winter famine. And now, when food is plentiful the whole year round we still seem to feel we have to eat to combat some famine that doesn't come!!
At one point, they gave the statistic that one hour of intense spin class would burn off the calories of less than two mars bars. This has lays been my problem with exercise, how much needs to be done to negate the calories in 'naughty' foods. It stopped me before I started!

Loving the series, it's keeping me focused on using calorie reduction to lose weight, not looking for a miracle cure.
It's ringing lot of bells with me, too.
As an erstwhile 'fitgirl to fatgirl', I've been there, done that, worn the leggings with Jane and now I'm reinventing myself again as a fitgirl!
I have found both episodes rather negative - "no point counting calories you'll only put it back on, no point exercising won't help you lose weight" as a long term yo-yo dieter I'm really hoping that won't happen this time.
Richard Simmons! I had forgotten him too, what a character.
The exercise episode is sitting waiting on my TiVo. There's another thread elsewhere on this topic where I gave my review for the diet one. I have to say I disagree, I think the presenter is terrible, as the show is clearly an attempt for him to be 'edgy' and make a name for himself. And I agree with Sian above, my major bug bear is that the show is very negative. Of course losing weight is in the mind, but that's not the fault of a diet or fitness. If you are determined to lose weight, then diets and fitness can help you do so. What stops working is that people start cheating or slowly stop exercising.

Take a positive story...I have a friend who 3 years ago was obese and she wanted to change because she has two young kids. She has lost over 10 stone, and this year ran the London Marathon. She hasn't had any surgery, she's just stuck with Weight Watchers and exercising through jogging and twice weekly zumba. It's not WW or exercise that deserves the praise, it's her determination, but they are the tools which she has used.

At the end of the day, the reason there are so few success stories for these diets and exercise regimes is because so few people ARE losing the weight in any form. But for me, if some diet or exercise regime helps even one person turn around their life, this being around for their loved ones, then I'm not going to criticise that organisation.
I like walking briskly every day. I do so, not to lose weight, but because I enjoy it, it makes me feel more aware of life, lifts my mood, if it is down and just generally makes me feel better and fitter. I hate structured exercise i.e. gyms/keep fat classes etc. Our bodies were designed to move, not to sit on a cumfy sofa every day eating chocolates, drinking wine and watching useless dross on the box! On the other hand, it is a pleasant way to spend a rainy, cold day :lol:

I also agree wholehearted with Sian about how negative the programmes are, but, that is television for you

Ballerina x :heart:
I forgot to say that you are looking good Susan, another lovely Avatar :cool:

Ballerina x :heart:
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