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How do I post a photo??
22 Dec 2014, 20:15
I have forgotten and have not been able to pick the right words to search on to find the information I need. Thanks! :)
Re: How do I post a photo??
22 Dec 2014, 21:17
Hi Sassy..i use an ipad. So can only tell you how to do it on one of them..
1)Click on 'upload attachment' beneath the reply box.
2)Click on either 'Take a Photo' or 'Choose Existing Photo'
3 )click on yr choice of photo and press Submit voila..UNLESS! You get a message saying yr choice is too big......
...In which case...go to Pixlr Express and resize yr pic to the smallest it offers you,then click Submit and all should be well x
Re: How do I post a photo??
22 Dec 2014, 22:30
My answer would be with difficulty!
Re: How do I post a photo??
23 Dec 2014, 21:18
Thanks @CandiceMarie. I use an iPad too, but to use Pixar Express requires software that is apparently not supported by this device?? I will have to hunt for something else that will allow me to resize my photo!

So @Merlin, your comment definitely applies!
Re: How do I post a photo??
23 Dec 2014, 21:28
Take a screenshot of the photo, that should reduce the size (press and hold the power and home buttons simultaneously until you hear about shutter sound).
Re: How do I post a photo??
23 Dec 2014, 22:10
I have a PixlrExpress app which was free @sassy1
Just go to yr App store and look for it there,you shd be able to install it free to yr ipad i think x
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