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Geez simcoeluv- our Dr M is also selling a book you know! I don't think that automatically means it is ridiculous but thanks for your thoughts :bugeyes:
Dr. Ms book is largely an attempt to turn a life extension diet into a weight loss diet. Most of the weight loss claims are inflated, to be kind.

That does not make 5:2 irrelevant. But don't take the book's claims as total truth.
simcoeluv wrote: Dr. Ms book is largely an attempt to turn a life extension diet into a weight loss diet. Most of the weight loss claims are inflated, to be kind.

That does not make 5:2 irrelevant. But don't take the book's claims as total truth.

Really?? It's most of the straplines on the book, written by publicists, that are not to be taken seriously. The book itself is quite even-handed.

I think most of the people on here realise this, and don't take the book's claims as 'total truth' - that would be insulting the intelligence and common sense of the people on here. At least Dr M's book is based on research, and has a large bibliography citing sources, and he is careful to offer a range of explanations, so we can all make our own minds up (which is what is happening)

And actually, most of the weight loss claims are not inflated - just look at some of the results on here. And most of the slower losers, like myself, are quite happy to continue with the diet. Just goes to prove how adaptable it all is, and that's what matters in the long run.
I just saw Dr Liponis on PBS this AM. It rang true for me. No question I would be a hunter. I didn't really start gaining beyond the extra 10 until I started listening to WW, media, etc who told me how important breakfast, low fat, grazing etc were. I followed them instead of my body. I rarely ate breakfast before then. I also didn't eat between meals and often would do a total fast every Monday in my early 20's to counteract the weekend partying.

I do love pasta, bread and grains but have greatly reduced them on this WOE due to the density of calories. I think that shows in my scale.

My husband is struggling more. He goes right for the sweets and bread on the off days. I would say he is addicted to sugar. I'll see if he can break the addiction and if that moves the scale for him.
I test as farmer. I'm a vegetarian and am losing weight fine while eating plenty of carbs. Which is a good things since I love them.
hi JM53- your post about your husband made me think of the thread running right now on Toxic Sugar from the Australian tv show. You/he might find that show relevant. There is a link on the opening post where you might be able to watch the show.
Well I am a farmer I guess mainly because of my pear shape :lol: but I happily skip breakfast & don't like grazing all day but I do like pasta & bread but nor loads of it. I prefer butter & olive oil but again not lots of it but it did make me review what I do eat so thanks for the link
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