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Has anyone been looking at this theory? I realise it sounds simple and perhaps abit to catchy but after listening to the author online it made me wonder if there aren't some correlations between these ideas and our members experiences of weight loss. Here is an interview with the guy that gives us some basic concepts. ... solutions/

I haven't been able to find out a lot of detail online but there seems to be implications for eating breakfast or not. Interestingly I score as a hunter and do not need to (or shouldn't?) eat breakfast. Anyways I will be interested in your thoughts. :like:
Well, that was interesting. I am a Hunter Type and was actually a 6 pound baby. I was quite insulin resistant/prediabetic before I started watching my carbs. I now eat little grains, mostly nuts, fats, proteins and veggies. I'm past due for blood work to see whether the IR has improved with this WOE, though.
ok did abit more research and it seems that Hunters (me) benefit from not eating 3 meals each day! It actually advises that we skip breakfast but if we do eat something it needs to not be grain based (or at least not most of it). V Interesting!
They had a presentation by the Doctor on PBS here in the US, I have been wanting to get the book but haven't picked it up yet.
While I questioned some of his conclusions, I do think he is correct that people are not all the same and that one type of diet can't work for everyone.
I would fit into his "hunter" category and as much as I hate to admit or recognize, I have always know that sugar is not good for me and that once I start eating sweets it is difficult to stop.
I didn't hear anything that would conflict with the 5:2 WOL/Diet, but the type of foods one eats might spur on greater weight loss than just concentrating on total calories.
Will try and locate the book and will try post further updates here.
hi shbldr- yes I agree with you. As a 'hunter' myself I have long known that bread and all of its friends is a slippery slide for me. I think that solely focusing on calories and not their source is also too simplistic. I love pasta and bread sadly but early on in my 5:2 routine I found myself sourcing my calories from them to feel full. Didn't really work! I am trying to be more mindful of that now that I read his theory. I find it so easy to slide. I am an ex-Canadian down here in Aus so say hi to Vancouver for me!
I took the test and it turns out that I am a 'farmer', which does correlate to how I have reached goal weight on the 5:2 diet. I have not reduced my carb consumption, except on 'fast days' and tend to eat in a low fat way just because of my dislike of oily/fatty foods. I enjoy my breakfasts, except on fast days, and prefer to eat little and often.

However, I look on this test as a bit of light relief and will not be purchasing the book! I prefer to keep my WOE as simple as possible and this does not include cutting out any food groups! That is why :heart: 5:2 :heart: has been so brilliant for me!
Interesting, I took the test 3 times and was farmer/hunter/hunter, lol
Hmmm hunter here too. :0/
Eh, color me unimpressed. It put me as a farmer, when eating lots of grains and frequent meals just gives me migraines and heartburn.

I rather suspect some genius just figured out how to simultaneously market the same diet books to low-carb enthusiasts and low-fat, whole grains dieters.
I wonder if my farmer/hunter/hunter reading came about because I come from a long line of ranchers breeding cattle! lol
Hunter here. A little familial history: Mom died of massive heart attack age 60 twenty some years ago. She collected fat around the middle. I too collect fat around the middle. I swore at that time I would not eat fat. I gave up red meat, limited other animal proteins, and consumed low fat version of everything else. Ten years pass and I am getting fatter. I land in Hosp ER while on vacation with a blood clot. Seven years pass and another blood clot. Both times I had impeccable BP, very good ldl/hdl levels, but the triglycerides were elevated. Aortic plagues are the issue. Guess what? In an effort to be healthy I was actually hurting myself by eating a high carb low fat diet. Yes I was the pasta queen. All those carbs=high triglycerides=inflammation=plagues. I have slowly learned that meat/fat is not my enemy and as a hunter a few days without food is good. I am not sure today what lurks inside my body but I do know that since I changed the way I eat and changed my food choices I am no longer collecting the belly fat. So yes I believe in this hunter/farmer theory.
Bummer. The quiz pegs me as a hunter. What's a vegetarian gardener (breakfast is my favorite meal) going to do with that?
hi MCC- I don't claim to be an expert on this (after all I haven't even read the book) but I don't think being a hunter means you are to be a meat eater. What I heard him explain was that we need to think of it as a 'hunter gatherer'- so lots of vegetables, berries and I imagine simple carbs. As I understand it, hunters are to avoid (not necessarily eliminate) the complex carbs such as bread and pasta. I think the term hunter conjours up the meat eater idea which is unfortunate. Perhaps listen to the interview I posted and see what you make of it.
Guess I follow 5:2. I do eat strawberries some times. Don't know what that makes me. Hope it is something that allows me to live rather than fade into darkness.

Really, hunter, meat eater, berry eater? Paleo? Grapefruit? Low fat? Atkins? I can't keep up with the latest person trying to sell a book. :confused:
No surprises here I am a Hunter and I don't do grains well at all, have been plagued by GIT / unhappy gut issues Since my childhood. Interesting I am already humming along doing 5:2 with a 16:8 twist. I also gave up cereal & oats years ago for a sprinkle ground seeds and nuts as a 3/7 breakfast option with low fat yoghurt and fruits and my tummy, energy levels good and not feeling hungry for hours. It rings true for me. Would not buy the book but might look again at my Paleo and Blood Type books to see what correlates
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