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I caught the tail end of this episode from last week on Ellen's show on cable. i hunted it down on You tube

everyone should watch this. Robyn Lawley an Australian "plus Model" who is happy with her body weight. Accepting her "natural size"... apt for our discussions here about deciding what is your best body weight target

Robyn says .. we "should accept our natural size"

Interesting thing Ellen said

"diets dont work"... "I dont know why people think diets work"

.... she hasnt heard of 5:2

Do you have the link @Juliana.Rivers? xx

Bean :confused: is a high quality video on youtube.
Oh good for her. It must be so hard to be in the public eye mustn't it. The moment you put on a pound it's in the papers. She seems perfect to my mind and yes I think I'd be pleased to be that size!

As for the thigh gap thing. I always thought that was a sign of being extremely underweight. I definitely wouldn't want my daughter to get into the modelling world. Very scary! xx

Bean :smile: :shock:
@izzy I absolutely agree with you!
Thanks for the link JR! Not watched yet,but will x
Robyn says .. we "should accept our natural size" ..this is all very well but when you used to be slim,its quite hard to accept when you get bigger! Doesnt feel very natural..
It' s uncomfortable and unhealthy to be overweight and gives you problems with getting clothes that fit,plus makes it harder to keep cool in the summer am not sure quite how easy it is to accept what seems to me an unnatural size! :confused:
@izzy - I was thinking the exact same thing. Pft. Of course she's happy with her body. She looks gorgeous. No flabby tummy, no back fat, no floppy arms. Plus size? As if. She's what a size 12? That's considered slim where I come from. Having said that I kind of agree with the sentiment, if you're happy with how you are then who is anyone else to judge.
I looked up her stats:
6ft 2" tall, 32" waist makes her waist: height ratio 0.43 (should be under 0.5)
and at 180 lbs that makes her BMI 23.

So, she is completely healthy as we've all said. The whole plus size thing is just because she's so tall and the fashion industry is warped.

I wonder what response would have been if the headline had read:
"I love my body as it is" says NORMAL-SIZED model?!
CandiceMarie wrote: Thanks for the link JR! Not watched yet,but will x
Robyn says .. we "should accept our natural size" ..this is all very well but when you used to be slim,its quite hard to accept when you get bigger! Doesn't feel very natural..
It' s uncomfortable and unhealthy to be overweight and gives you problems with getting clothes that fit, plus makes it harder to keep cool in the summer am not sure quite how easy it is to accept what seems to me an unnatural size! :confused:

@CandiceMarie I wonder if its about a definition of "our natural size". Does she mean the term Set-point weight bandied around in this format.. Does she mean a weight where the BMI is the prescribed number nn to nn(someone help me fill in the numbers here as i read different things about target BMIs and Robyn seems to be 23 which means maybe 23 is "good enough")

When you were "very slim" what was your BMI Candice?
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