The FastDay Forum

Suggestion Box

78 posts Page 3 of 6
TracE wrote: Can you make it so that we can change the title of our posts? (not sure if this can already be done or not?) For instance i posted in the beginning saying i wasn't losing only to find 2weeks later i was! And could of used my original post as a kind of dairy if i knew how to change my original title?


I think if you edit your post you can change the subject :)
I've just tested it with the subject above ^^
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 09:35
Now this is a BIG ASK.....

Would love to be able to download this as a type of APP on my BlackBerry?? :)
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 09:51
Franglaise wrote:
Lady Muck wrote: Can it be possible to unsubscribe to/unwatch a forum when you are not actually subscribed to/watching it?

Once you have posted in a forum topic your default user setting is to be notified by email of any new postings on the thread. If you want to change this then go to Board Preferences>Edit Posting Default and un-check the relevant box.

Yeah, I wish that worked but it doesn't. I selected "No" but keep getting emails.
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 10:24
TraceE - sorry, the only apps which apparently work with phpBB have had security issues and are not endorsed or officially supported by the phpBB dev team. Allowing an app to access the forum database is a security concern to me and I would prefer not to risk it.

Lady Muck - that setting should work, I'll look into this for you. Have you also checked your subscriptions within your control panel to ensure you're not individually subscribed to any topics?
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 10:31
Lady Muck - looking at your settings in the database you don't seem to be subscribed to anything, so I'm not sure why you're getting emails.
Next time you get an email from the forums please would you forward it on to me at as it may help me to track down the reason for you!

Sorry about this, it's quite unusual!
Re: Suggestions
11 Apr 2013, 13:38
Is there any chance when we have an email notification of a reply to a post or thread that the reply can be included in the email?

This would be handy for when i'm at work as i'm restricted on access to this page at work so its soo annoying recieving an email to say i have a reply but cant access the site :)
Re: Suggestions
11 Apr 2013, 13:46
I think there's a modification for that so will look into installing it for you TraceE :D
Re: Suggestions
11 Apr 2013, 16:43
Thanks Moogie i hate to miss out on things and far too impatient to wait lol


Can we add thumbnail pics to our posts at all?
Re: Suggestions
11 Apr 2013, 17:30
Hi TracE, you can add images to your posts using the [ img ] [ /img ] - always assuming that the image is available on the net. There is no way (I think) of fixing the size of the images, which is a shame...

Like this:
Re: Suggestions
11 Apr 2013, 17:58
When you add attachment images to a post it should display a thumbnail at the bottom of the post :)
Re: Suggestions
11 Apr 2013, 19:18
But can we add attachments to posts? There is a broken link to the section about it in the BBCode help and I have never seen an attachment here?
Re: Suggestions
12 Apr 2013, 06:30
Will have a look for the broken link, but yes you can upload attachments through the full reply form - not the quick reply form.
Re: Suggestions
12 Apr 2013, 16:48
Moogie, on my browser the date below the avatar always overruns the line (for all users, not just me) and it looks messy and 'wastes' a line. Without changing the general date format (as it appears elsewhere) could the format be shortened in this one place, say by removing the day of the week? See here:


And sorry to be so stupid, but how do you add an attachment?
Re: Suggestions
12 Apr 2013, 17:39
Dom - that's set in your user control panel:

User Control Panel
Board Preferences
Edit Global Settings
My Date Format

If you set it to a format without the am/pm on the end it fits on one line.

To upload an attachment, go to the full Reply box (the one with the smilies on the side), scroll down and click on the Upload Attachment tab.

Re: Suggestions
12 Apr 2013, 17:48
Its strange that your date is set like that, mine has always been set to 24h format and I don't think I've ever changed it in my settings. I wonder why it's different for you and if that's the default for all users?
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