The FastDay Forum

Suggestion Box

78 posts Page 2 of 6
Re: Suggestions
23 Feb 2013, 15:34
Thanks, I'll consider that if/when I do some more work on the tracker. I'm taking a break from it at the moment as it's been pretty full on for some weeks now and I'd like to code something a bit different than stats for a while ;)
Re: Suggestions
02 Mar 2013, 11:01
Couple things:
1. Please can you make it so we can change the 4:3/5:2 thing in the weight tracker? This changes over time so it's just making your stats wrong if we can't change it, e.g. I've just gone to 5:2 as of this week but mine still says 4:3

2. Suggest you put a link to the Abbreviations post in the sidebar; I think a lot of people are not used to TDEE and BMR etc, and if it's just one click away then more people might find it and be less confused
Re: Suggestions
02 Mar 2013, 11:14
I would love to be able to reply to individual posts publicly, and a notice at the top to say you have unread replies.
Often I don't discover replies to my posts .
My other favourite forum has this facility if you want to have a wee look.
Re: Suggestions
02 Mar 2013, 11:21
Bellalou, you can subscribe to topics to be notified of replies. There is a box to tick on the form where you write your posts.
Re: Suggestions
02 Mar 2013, 11:42
Hmm, changing between 4:3/5:2 could make a bit tricky in the tracker as I'll then need to allow for this to be set on a weigh-in by weigh-in basis if people are changing over - otherwise it's not an accurate representation just basing it on what the diet type is set to for the account (eg, if you started on 4:3 and I change your diet type to 5:2 for you, the stats will all show up as 5:2 from then on, which isn't quite right). If it's set for each weigh in I'll have to do some serious planning as to how this impacts the stats, which data needs to be included & when. It's a tricky one. It might be better if I allowed users to have multiple trackers, so if you change diet type you start a new tracker for that, rather than chopping and changing week by week. Hmmm. Definitely needs some more thought!

Bellalou - I can't get onto the Ravelry forum without signing up but I'm guessing they're using some paid forum software. phpBB doesn't have the ability to reply to individual posts directly within a topic (ie threads within threads) and actually I prefer it that way as things can get a bit complicated & confusing with things stemming off within topics like that. You can however be notified, as Caroline mentioned, when one of your topics gets a reply.
Re: Suggestions
02 Mar 2013, 15:05
Thank you Moogie for going to the bother of checking it out.
I appreciate all the work you have done and are continuing to do on the forum.
Re: Suggestions
18 Mar 2013, 13:12
I would love to be able to actually meet up with other people doing 5:2 but I'm finding it difficult to find anyone else in my area (near Nice in the South of France). Would there be any way of having something that could help us to organise this sort of thing? A weekly or fortnightly meet up could be very motivating, supportive etc. Thanks
Re: Suggestions
18 Mar 2013, 13:25
I had wondered about some kind of members map but have yet to find any way to implement such a thing relatively easily :( I'll have a little ponder about other possible options for this when time allows!
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 07:12
On the sidebar on the left, can you leave a space between "View your posts" and "mark posts read" as I keep clicking it in error on my iPad (fat fingers).

It's the only option in the list that causes an irreversible change.

Thank you!
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 07:44
Can it be possible to unsubscribe to/unwatch a forum when you are not actually subscribed to/watching it?
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 07:52
Can you make it so that we can change the title of our posts? (not sure if this can already be done or not?) For instance i posted in the beginning saying i wasn't losing only to find 2weeks later i was! And could of used my original post as a kind of dairy if i knew how to change my original title?

Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 07:57
caldini wrote: On the sidebar on the left, can you leave a space between "View your posts" and "mark posts read" as I keep clicking it in error on my iPad (fat fingers).

+1. This drives me mad, but thought it was just me! Do we need this 'Mark Posts Read' link at all?

Lady Muck wrote: Can it be possible to unsubscribe to/unwatch a forum when you are not actually subscribed to/watching it?

Not sure what you are asking. Do you mean a topic or a forum? If you are not subscribed to a topic then you can't unsubscribe, but you can easily subscribe to a unsubscribed topic by clicking on 'Subscribe topic' at the bottom of the page.
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 08:13
Lady Muck wrote: Can it be possible to unsubscribe to/unwatch a forum when you are not actually subscribed to/watching it?

Once you have posted in a forum topic your default user setting is to be notified by email of any new postings on the thread. If you want to change this then go to Board Preferences>Edit Posting Default and un-check the relevant box.
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 08:22
I would like a daily good morning thread where we can talk of plans for the day. This helps build friendships and understand what we all cope with. This has an impact on how fast days go too. Many of us say we cannot get our head around fasting on a particular day and it would be interesting to see what throws us. Making friends will strengthen the forum too and encourage others to post rather than lurking!
Re: Suggestions
20 Mar 2013, 09:23
Bobshouse - you're very welcome to create a good morning thread anytime you like! :) I think there's already a sort of daily thread in the general chat forum!
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