RunningOlsen wrote: Thanks @angie090465 (love your pipe comment and @MLCDz
A lot of stuff to learn! But this really changes the protein/carb game if true. It also raises questions about fibers, which I more and more think is a kind of overlooked key (for me, anyway)
So the composition of your food - eating your TDEE on normal days - makes a huge difference. It could explain some of the "I eat my TDEE yet I don't lose weight" posts.
I remember posting about all of this about 10 months ago or more. i couldnt understand the concentration of thinking almost to the exclusion of anything else on calories/kilojoules. surely what those calories are made of are more important than just the total calorie count.
Must dig up that post.
after 15 months or so on this TDEE yes, there is still so much to learn and last summer i didnt get that opportunity to just read avidly about the science of all of this. One day.