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The 5:2 Lab

41 posts Page 2 of 3
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 11:03
LOL! Nothing left to say ... Speechless and wordless :bugeyes: :lol: :lol: :lol: but it's all true, and I doubt there is another forum to match this one, either 5:2 or 'civilian' :lol: :wink:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 11:26
Silverdarling wrote: LOL! Nothing left to say ... Speechless and wordless :bugeyes: :lol: :lol: :lol: but it's all true, and I doubt there is another forum to match this one, either 5:2 or 'civilian' :lol: :wink:

"Speechless and wordless" SD I'm dumbstruck :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 12:55
@Ballerina - you're so easy to hook in :lol: :lol: :razz: !!!

But that's another unique thing - the craziness and humour on here, as well as support. I'm sure it makes a difference. :victory:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 14:04
Silverdarling wrote: LOL! Nothing left to say ... Speechless and wordless :bugeyes: :lol: :lol: :lol: but it's all true, and I doubt there is another forum to match this one, either 5:2 or 'civilian' :lol: :wink:

I've been out most of the day and nearly missed this, thank you @PennyForthem for tagging my name and your post and I second the above too. :heart:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 14:18
@Callyanna I do think this forum is unique. The 5:2 forum on (another site) is not nearly as informed, warm or welcoming. It's very competitive & critical, hard for me to contribute anything without someone slamming me for not being a perfect eater (whatever THAT means!). Here, what works best for you is encouraged & applauded, here, its about the journey & what you can learn from it. It is the best I've ever seen & I thank all of you for making it that way. :)
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 14:24
Thanks for confirming what I thought @MLCDz!
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 14:42
I just want echo what has been said. If I hadn't been on this forum I'd still weigh more than 13 and a half stone. The people on here don't just support you with regards to fasting but on every aspect of life. It's also a great place to come for a laugh after a rotten day at work.
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 15:10
Silverdarling wrote: Nothing left to say ... Speechless and wordless

Speechless and wordless are not really the things that spring to mind when describing the attributes of many people here... mentioning no names, of course

Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 15:13
Silverdarling wrote: Nothing left to say ... Speechless and wordless

Speechless and wordless are not really the things that spring to mind when describing the attributes of many people here... mentioning no names, of course

Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 15:17
Is there an echo in here? :grin: :razz:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 15:19
Yes, yes, yes yes yes
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 15:22
This is my first ever forum too. :heart:
And to be honest there isn't room in my life for another.
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 15:24
Yes it's good here innit. Always somewhere to pop in and ask a question, no matter how indelicate, have a rant about unfair moments, pass a dull rainy hour, be bounced to other interesting and informative sites, and learn how and what to cook.
It's quite a place :0)
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 15:34
I could have lost the weight without this forum but doubt that I would be able to keep to my goal without the encouragement from everyone here. The title of this thread 'benefits of support groups' first caught my eye but it is THIS group that is so helpful, friendly, informative etc. etc., no other forum I've belonged to has ever matched up to it. This is not just 5:2, we talk about everything no holds barred, and so much to laugh at too. When I switch on my computer in the morning this is the first place I come to, in fact if this was to stop I would be bereft.
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 19:29
coffeetime wrote: When I switch on my computer in the morning this is the first place I come to, in fact if this was to stop I would be bereft.

That's the one! :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
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