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benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 01:37
In Amanda Salis's newsletter to which I subscribe she had this tantelising comment as an introduction to the somewhat costly weight loss classes she was telling us about

'Losing weight and keeping it off is no mean feat. Research clearly shows that on average, people who participate in weight loss programs that provide regular, on-going support lose significantly more weight than those who participate in once-off information sessions.'

Yes, that's right, I thought, thinking about this wonderful forum. If all I'd done was read the book and seen the tv program, I would have given up months ago.

If you would like to subscribe to Amanda's newsletter you can do so here:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 01:51
dear @Sallyo,

There is no way I could have done my 3 fasts without the help of people on this forum. So many of us are stranded in isolation without the support of intelligent and helpful group. I think that's why WW is so popular is to do with the group. I'm amazed by the many questions I need to ask. Doctors give you 20 mins of their time, max here, and they can't possibly answer these questions. I'm glad my doctor was into 5.2, but ironically a year ago he was suggesting a lap band. Suggested it twice. I told him to stop suggesting it. They really are as lost as we are in what to suggest I guess.

I will tell him of this forum next time I see him.

Best wishes
Jo :clover: :victory:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 01:54
I really like your signature Jo05. It says it all.
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 02:22
Hi Sallyo. I could not have come this far without this team. I have learned so much.
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 03:40
Thanks Sally. And I think we need to connect with people who are compassionate, knowledgeable, and curious and ever hopeful. This sites full of them :)
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 06:00
Thank you Sallyo, I have just signed up, and yes, without this forum and hubby I wouldn't have kept going. And, I get to wind up the Poms in the middle of their night :wink:
Oh, what am I saying, I am one!!
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 08:12
I shall sign up, too, so thanks, @Sallyo
I was only thinking the same yesterday, strangely enough.
As I work by myself from home, I do feel quite isolated at times (like about 90% of the working day) and I have learned so much from the wonderful people here.
Not to mention the challenges, the exercise club (thanks @Juliana.rivers and@auriga) and the recipes... @fatdog amongst many others too numerous to mention.

Blimey, I sound like I'm writing an Oscar speech... thank you to everyone who has supported me etc etc!!

In short... you're all fab!
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 08:18
Maybe I could have lost all the 40 something kilos on my own but it would have taken several years. Plus I would have fed up everyone around me with my stories, heartaches, hopes and despairs. There is some strength in knowing you're not alone and other people know exactly what you're going through

However, there's no way I would pay for a support group.
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 08:19
PennyForthem wrote: Blimey, I sound like I'm writing an Oscar speech... thank you to everyone who has supported me etc etc!!

I don't know about your talent as an actress, but you already received the people's choice award :victory:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 08:38
How right you are @Sallyo who could succeed without support from these lovely bods?

Thanks everyone!

Bean :heart:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 09:11
The support on here and all of you, are, as someone once sang - Simply The Best.
Thanks to everyone who posts it really does help.
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 09:36
:heart: Yes I absolutely agree the support is not only beneficial but also essential, I've always said that I've learned far more from this forum than I ever took in reading the book also my weightloss increased on week 3 after stories I'd read on here because I was eating what I wanted for the other days.
Then there's the low carb information which I took on board and this not only kickstarted my weightloss again after a plateau but has has such amazing results on my health issues this on its own is well worth it and as usual when I remember back the usual emotional lump + tears arrive.
( short break later)
Now I'm learning about LCHF and trying out all sorts of ugly but tasty vegetables, new recipes, so all in all its a long learning curve for me personally.
Obviously the support of everyone on this forum has given all this to me and NO way have I ever lost so much weight and easily for me personally but also enjoyable.
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 10:10
Agree with all the above! It's so reassuring to know that someone on the forum will have experienced the same doubts, setbacks, triumphs etc that we all go through and be willing to share their knowledge, support and advice for coping tactics.
I did wonder whether there are 5;2 web communities in other countries apart from the UK or are we unique?
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 10:48
I just love this forum, it is the first I've ever been involved with so I have nothing to compare it to but it seems, from what others say, that it is definitely unique. I got almost to my target weight before I discovered the forum, it had been running for about 4 weeks when I joined, so I can see that it is possible to do on your own, I did. All I had to go on was the knowledge, from the horizon programme, that two days a week just eat 500 calories, that was it, and it worked. Here we are almost 18 months on from then and I can see that being part of a community has kept me on course, I have learned SO much about our biological processes, but the best bit is having great friends on here, 24 hours a day, yes, @Debs, I'm looking at you my little dark side of the moon mate. I just love it here, thanks gang :heart: :heart: :heart:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: benefits of support groups
26 Jan 2014, 10:51
Aw shucks Beanarilla. Thanks! :oops: :lol:
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