I started reading it...she has many good points, and sure has done her homework! However...it really starts feeling like another push toward low carb/high fat/paleo eating--sorry, not interested. Not to be too blunt here, but there are worse things than death, and eating that way for the rest of my life is one of them. That's how I ended up here; I am not interested in vilifying entire food groups (carbs--though I'm comfortable doing it to diet soda, ick!
); I have eaten healthier than most people I know for years. The few naughty things I still eat--beer, pastries, bread--I ain't giving up! And I refuse to feel bad about that. If that means I'll never be "skinny," so be it. I do what I can to "avoid" illness (exercise, try to sleep enough--oh menopause, please let me sleep!), but I'm getting fed up with all the fear-mongering (I boycott pink ribbon products for that very reason) in the name of "health." At nearly 60, the ONLY drugs I take are alcohol, caffeine, and an occasional acetaminophen, but my house looks like a natural-remedy store. I hope this doesn't come off as being negative toward anyone, I just wanted to express that no one way works for everyone. I can't help being terribly skeptical, I've tried more than my share of crazy diets that promised amazing results that didn't deliver; or were so hard to stay on, the results were moot. To each their own. (I hope that IF helps insulin resistance; does anyone have any evidence of that?)