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The 5:2 Lab

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Just read this (sorry if it has been posted before) and it makes SO much sense to me about all the things I've been addicted to in my life including eating more food than I need, and my lifelong battle with depression.

And really great news to know that fasting can change all that and help you grow more dopamine receptors! :like: ... -setpoint/

Happy reading.
Thanks for the link @brendabell! I haven't had a chance to read it properly, but I will do so. Meantime, here are a couple of interesting scientific articles on weight set points/weight regain: ... 011.7/full

The article is very interesting, as is the subsequent discussion. Thankyou very much.
Thanks for this @brendabell it was a very interesting read. :heart:
Very interesting. It probably explains why my hubby, who at themoment is the heaviest he has ever been at a meer 140lbs, is always upbeat about our life situation. But myself, just under the morbidly obese level is always down about our life, always thinking the grass is greener elsewhere, always just about to slide into depression.
I already am fasting and exercising, so I have my fingers crossed that eventually, once I am a normal weight I will be free of this depressive tendency.

It could explain the perception that once you have lost weight you will be happier. I guess you will eventually, once the receptors have all grown back and are in full working order.
Thanks so much for the link@Brendabell! :heart: It is very interesting and resonates with us too. No surprise really that as we lose weight we really do feel better mentally in many ways. @Julieatlhome, my OH's tendency to depression is much less, as he religiously follows 5:2. (What a lovely spin-off in benefits.) I see a definite change and he has always flatly refused medication.
I will print it out so that I can study it properly. I hope that more discussion of our experiences will follow.:like:
A very interesting article which helps explain why this WOE resets appetite and therefore the benefit of two days' fasting is felt on the other five 'feed' days.

I'm also interested in the section on depression. My husband has bipolar disorder type 2 and while the medication he has been taking for several years now definitely helps when he has a relapse I have often wondered whether overall it is making him worse.
Appreciate the article brendabell. Anything that helps me re-educate myself on how fasting helps my diabetes is appreciated. TIL that I really do need to put the exercise piece into place before I break my fast. And that the fasting will reconfigure those receptors. It gives me hope.
That was VERY interesting, thank you for the link

Ballerina x :heart:
Loved this article. Thanks so much for posting it @brendabell, it gives me hope as well, and I notice that for myself, many things that it pointed out resonate with not just me, but other members of my family. :like:
This is a very interesting article. I (sort-of) understood the insulin and leptin resistance issues, but this article brings in dopamine and possibly serotonin as well and the theory ties them all together quite nicely.

I really like the hope that such a theory gives if it's true -- (1) biology is not destiny, (2) obesity is not a constant, and (3) permanent weight loss is possible. Nice! :smile:
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