The FastDay Forum

The 5:2 Lab

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My lovely, very clever and talented friend posted this on her Facebook and I have blatantly copied it.
Lots of evidence papers in one place about the most recent thinking about nutrition. Nothing 5:2 based but stuff on good fats, amount of meals, cholesterol and other contentious issues that we love to know better about ;) cos we read the evidence! ... ritionist/
nice link!
Yup good article - thanks for the share. Its interesting that they state high fat diets generally lead to better weight loss amongst dieters - this seems to line up with the recent articles coming from K Varady.
very useful resource, thank you! :like:
Smiling because I know it works. Thanks janeg for posting.
Thank you for the link Janeg. There is so much conflicting diet advice around but the discussion & information on the forum certainly helps us make better informed choices in what we eat now.
Thanks, loads of useful info there.

It is interesting how some "facts" that lodge in our brains turn out to be myths. I've always felt a bit guilty tucking into steak because of a vague memory that too much protein can cause bone density loss and too much red meat can cause bowel cancer. But according to studies linked in that article, both beliefs are untrue (for women anyway) and animal protein actually helps reduce the risk of hip fracture. I shall eat my steak even more happily tonight!
Great links that even a completely non-scientific ignoramus like me can understand!
Thank you for the link..always trying to convince other people, more ammunition now thank you!
I am worried that my family will think I've gone over to the dark side, or maybe joined a cult, because I'm lowering carbs and raising fats - nothing extreme, but there is now low-fat milk in the fridge for the first time since I was a kid.

All the links to online articles and research papers are great, but I think I should have a few books on the shelf to show people. Not too many because our house already looks like a library...

First choice is the Obesity Epidemic.
Please respond with a couple of others that are the clearest and best researched, in your opinion.

I would recommend these to you @Wendyjane:
'Fat Chance', by Dr Robert Lustig
'Grain Brain', by David Perlmutter
'The Diet Delusion', by Gary Taubes all refer to research papers etc. and are good reads from my point of view.
My favourite of these is Gary Taubes' book.
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