Auriga wrote: Thought I would bump this thread after last night's TV programme on 'Is Sugar Addictive?' Did anyone see it? Was trawling the internet and also found this from 'The Telegraph': ... ealth.html
I am reading 'Fat Chance' by Dr.Lustig at the moment and it's pretty scary what sugar/fructose can do. I am going to be so virtuous, not eating sugar products,
I shall squeak soon. Pass the cheese please!
Ah ha! My copy of "Fat Chance" fell through the letter box this morning - think it'll be my immediate bed-time reading tonight; indeed, maybe bed-time will be earlier...
And thank you for the link @Auriga, this one is accessible from it, but I think is worth posting in it's own right as it has a nice table of fructose vs fibre for fruits (I'll feel free to eat more pears from now own) as well as other useful tips. ... cipes.html