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The 5:2 Lab

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Auriga wrote: Thought I would bump this thread after last night's TV programme on 'Is Sugar Addictive?' Did anyone see it? Was trawling the internet and also found this from 'The Telegraph': ... ealth.html
I am reading 'Fat Chance' by Dr.Lustig at the moment and it's pretty scary what sugar/fructose can do. I am going to be so virtuous, not eating sugar products,
I shall squeak soon. Pass the cheese please! :mouse:

Ah ha! My copy of "Fat Chance" fell through the letter box this morning - think it'll be my immediate bed-time reading tonight; indeed, maybe bed-time will be earlier...

And thank you for the link @Auriga, this one is accessible from it, but I think is worth posting in it's own right as it has a nice table of fructose vs fibre for fruits (I'll feel free to eat more pears from now own) as well as other useful tips. ... cipes.html
Interesting article and even more interesting comments at the bottom!! Sausage rolls and meat pies as a superior option to pizza???!!!,
Glad I like blueberries, raspberries and pears though, mmmm, frozen raspberries and cream!
Madcatlady wrote: and an interesting article criticising Change 4 Life: ... l-fat.html

Thanks @Madcatlady
Interesting article and answers a question ive had..
I drink tea with just a trickle of semi skimmed milk but since starting 5:2, i've noticed the tea tastes slightly sweet even tho i never use sugar in tea.the only answer was that there must be some sugar in the milk,and this article tells me,yes there is..and more in reduced than in full fat milk
Who would have thought it! And they use reduced fat milk to fatten pigs!
So should I be buying Full Fat milk again then? I got some Stevia yesterday as Tesco are doing their own label one. It has two ingredients Maltodetrin and steviol glycosides. Are these ok and how do I find out. I had two teaspoons in my coffee this morning and it tasted alright. ( I only have the one cup of coffee a day).
I've just seen the latest blog post from Peter Attia in which he talks about his (in)tolerance to sugar and how he reacted to a single carb-fest after 4 years with minimal sugar intake. Interesting stuff.
Thanks for sharing this Caroline. I recognise those symptoms. I started eating sugar again when I moved out here - there is chocolate permanently in the office here. They know now to keep me away from it. If I eat it (I get tired some days) - I can barely speak. A timely reminder to continue to step away from it.
I gave up sugar at the beginning of the year - which is no minor miracle for me. Then last night, I went to a Chinese buffet restaurant, and as a 'one off' ate some puddings. I have felt terrible today - tired, foggy brained and....been craving junk food and sweet things. It's reminded me what a sugarholic I am...and it's just not worth it. Today is the first day I have 'felt' like chucking this new WOE out. Fortunately, after fasting today I can feel myself becoming balanced again. Sugar is VERY deceptive.
Brand-ie wrote: So should I be buying Full Fat milk again then? I got some Stevia yesterday as Tesco are doing their own label one. It has two ingredients Maltodetrin and steviol glycosides. Are these ok and how do I find out. I had two teaspoons in my coffee this morning and it tasted alright. ( I only have the one cup of coffee a day).

Hi @Brand-ie, stevia is a natural sweetener so it's fine. The other ingredient is for bulk because stevia is so much sweeter than sugar.
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