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The 5:2 Lab

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The Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment recently published a report on the Dietary Treatment of Obesity(Google translated from Swedish)

This report which took 2 years to prepare is likely to be the basis for future dietary guidelines for obesity treatment within the Swedish health care system.

According to the report, short-term studies (under six months) show a low-carbohydrate diet, is clearly more effective than today’s conventional advice, with a greater increase in HDL cholesterol without any adverse affects on LDL cholesterol. This applies to both the moderate low-carbohydrate intake of less than 40% of total energy intake, as well as to a stricter low-carbohydrate diet, where carbohydrate forms less than 20% of total energy intake. After 6 months, studies show no statistically significant differences among different diets. The committee suggests that this is because people tend to fall back into their old ways of eating.

A review of the report's findings can be found here: link

For info, I did a quick calculation and, based on diet where calories are restricted to 1500cal(a typical diet recommendation), 40% of energy from carbs represents 150g of carbs and 20% is, of course, 75g.
Oh goody!! Thank-you for that Caroline.

However, in terms of weight loss, methinks that it's the absolute number of carb grams rather than the % of carbs calories that is significant.

I'm working on the evidence of my n=1 experiment just now, but it looks as though 60g carbs (16.5% if TDEE is 1450, even less at 1700) knocks my weight loss right off, seemingly regardless of the calories. But the carbs effect might be a wee bit difficult to disentangle from excess calories. I don't think that it is the calories now as, over the week for the last 23 weeks, I have a good calorie deficit (rarely below 3000).
Yes, I posted about this here: the-5-2-lab-f10/swedish-expert-committee-finds-a-low-carb-diet-is-best-t8751.html

It gives us hope that the rest of the world will follow suit...
Sorry, I was a bit busy this morning and didn't notice it was a double post. I saw it and thought of you! :-)
Thank you Julie, that was a very interesting article and seems to agree with what most people on here believe,

Ballerina x :heart:
I'm having terrible trouble getting people to believe this - response is: well all docs say that low carb is unhealthy and high fat unhealthy. Now if I tell people I'm low carb, high good fat and protein I get slagged off
I agree with you totally and I too get told off for thinking as you do. We are getting thinner & healthier and the 'slaggers' are not ! I still keep trying to 'save' them though.
I have a medical early December. Am going to be fascinated to get the results of bloods since being low carb high fat for several months.......
Just watched this (hopefully) attached YouTube film. Most revealing
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