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Breast Feeding and IF
14 Feb 2013, 20:22
Does anyone know of any data regarding breast feeding and IF? I'm bf-ing a toddler rather than a newborn so don't have any worries regarding milk quality (she's old enough to ask for a ham sandwich...) but I do wonder about the 500 calories per day. I wonder if I should increase the calories slightly to meet the demand my body is under to produce milk.

Any thoughts? Many thanks.
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
14 Feb 2013, 21:19
I think you would have to see how it goes. You certainly could increase your cals, but if you don't you would get faster weight loss.

I saw a report of an investigation of how Ramadan fasting affects milk composition but I can't remember what it said. There is a change though.
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
15 Feb 2013, 11:54
Thanks Caroline, coincidentally, I read a query on the main site regarding bf-ing a young baby and following the 5:2. The reply was an absolute "No"!

I'll see if I can find the Ramadan information.

Re: Breast Feeding and IF
15 Feb 2013, 12:55
Yes, I think that breastfeeding a v young baby and fasting are probably not so good, but in your situation I can't see a problem unless you would be upset if your reduced calorie intake results in lower milk production. As you say, your toddler can eat more solid food if necessary!

Your post reminded me to look for the Ramadan info:

Bear in mind that during Ramadan no food OR drink is consumed during daylight hours so it is not exactly like what we do.
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
19 Feb 2013, 11:36
I just started 5:2 and i am still breastfeeding my 19 month old son. I have fasted 3 days so far and not noticed any effects on my supply ( still feeding on demand throughout the day, mostly weaned at night ).
I think it's fine to start the diet once your baby is into toddlerhood and not relaying on you for most of their calorie needs.
But defiantly not a good idea to do when your baby is small as it can interfere with your milk supply and the baby. I know because with my first baby i started fasting to loose weight when my baby was about 3 months or so old and ever time i did it she would be really colicky, crying all the time and fussy on the breast. She was colicky anyway, but fasting made it much worse so i obviously could see it was effecting her so i stopped.
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
11 Apr 2013, 09:07

I'm still breast feeding my nearly 2 year old and , admittedly have only done two fast days so far and not been terribly successful at that! but I don't have any concerns about doing it (if only I could actually mangage to to it properly!) I think breast feeding toddlers, as has already been said, they can ask for more food if they need. I think my toddler still feeds mostly for comfort more than anything else. She doesn't seem that bothered if not an awful lot of milk comes out anyway! But that's just me and my experiences!

I guess you just have to be aware of your body and what's happening to it any given moment and go with that. Maybe eating slightly more on feed days to ensure calories are sufficient to keep producing, but then low enough to lose weight? I don't know... I'm going in circles now!

Good luck with finding what works for you...
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
25 Apr 2013, 21:46
I'm breastfeeding my 15 month old toddler and have noticed a dip in supply on fast days but supply picks back up again within 36 hours :)
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
25 Apr 2013, 22:29
No advice, just wanted to say I think it's lovely that so many are breastfeeding older babies. My toddler was 21 months when he self weaned and it was bittersweet for me. Keep up the good work, mamas!
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
25 Apr 2013, 23:03
I'm with imcountingufoz - great to see so many breastfeeding toddlers. And yes, also think fine if no drop in supply for an older baby. With breastfeeding, I know that milk gets nutrients ahead of the mother, so as usual when breastfeed, you'd want to make sure your diet was good overall. And of course, good supply of water.
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
29 Apr 2013, 01:03
Hi all, so glad to see I'm not the only breast feeder who is doing IF. I'm really keen to hear about everyone's experiences and share mine.

I'm new to both the forum and IF (actually this is my first fast day) so I have no observations yet to share. My little man is 8 months old so a little younger than most of the other bubs here. We are starting solids but he is still BF on demand. My plan is to fast 2 days a week, with no food between 2pm and 2pm Sunday/Monday and Thursday/Friday.

At this early stage the key things I'm focusing on is hydration and ensuring when I am eating highly nutritious foods are my first choice.

I'm really untested in the Ramadan research thanks for sharing Carorees.
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
29 Apr 2013, 03:33
Welcome green phoenix!

I'm a bit confused about your plan. On our fast days, we're allowed to eat 500 calories (for a woman) or 25% of your TDEE, if it is over 2000 calories per day. As a breastfeeding mom, you would definitely have a higher TDEE, and therefore you could eat more on your fast days.

Having breastfed my son, I'd like you to reconsider your plan of no food for 24 hours. I'm not sure it's in the best interests of both of you.

What most of us do is start a fast when we go to bed. Then over the course of the next day, we eat our allowance of fast calories over the course of the day. I'd be willing to go out on a limb and guess you have at least 600 calories, if not more.

In any case, good luck and welcome to the forums!
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
29 Apr 2013, 05:15
Breast feeding was my next best weightloss method after 52! If your baby is under 10 months and still having milk on demand I am sure a low cal day of around 800-1000 would still give you a good weightloss provided you are eating well on the other days. Experiment but take it easy. Once bub s over a year they are usually getting most from solids anyway. Both mine weaned themselves around the 12 month mark. I was at my slimmest then - especially when there were to chase around!!
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
29 Apr 2013, 05:18
Hi Traceyknits, thanks for the welcome!

I guess to me the plan is open to interpretation and the 25% of TDEE a little arbitrary (based on my understanding). Basically I'm doing two 24 hour food free fasts a week. I'm very open to changing my plan based on my observations, this is just my starting point. I'm very conscious of what sort of things might happen and incase I get a little clouded I have my partner as an objective observer.
Re: Breast Feeding and IF
16 Jul 2013, 09:47
Interesting reading these posts, I'm still breastfeeding my 2 year old, her choice, not mine lol. Doing my first fast day today, I think I will see how I feel and eat a bit more if I need to, but at 17 st and 5 ft 2", I think the reserves are there!! Oddly enough, I put weight on breast feeding, odd
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