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The 5:2 Lab

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Re: Weekly vs daily weigh-in?
09 Mar 2013, 08:49
Thanks for the info kencc. I'll have a look at that Hackers Diet Online, looks good. I would love to find a way to speed up weight loss but unfortunately I know from years of experience it's a challenge for me. I eat pretty healthily ie. we cook from scratch at home and I don't eat a lot of processed foods, cake, sweets, biscuits nor bread as I tend to watch my carb intake as well. I could probably hit 2000cal on a Friday or Saturday (due to wine consumption!) but during the week I'm well under that. I know that the main problem for me is having a desk job. I do walk to work and back Mon-Fri which is about 2km each way but apart from that I'm not doing much exercise at the moment. I do feel like there are still a lot of other factors out there that we still don't fully understand as to why people are all different shapes and sizes. Incidentally my blood pressure is normal and my cholesterol is low - so I may be 'overweight' on the outside but I'm healthy on the inside.
Re: Weekly vs daily weigh-in?
09 Mar 2013, 09:10
I am following this because I am tired of years of weight watchers, pointing and weighing. I do not want my day governed by what the scales say. I am happiest not weighing at all as my clothes tell me if I have gained and make me cut back a bit until they are comfortable again. I can never believe my scales anyway as there is a 6 lb difference depending on where I weigh. My floors are not level! As long as my size 10 jeans fit I am happy! Yet again it is one size can never fit all!
Re: Weekly vs daily weigh-in?
09 Mar 2013, 09:55
I choose to weigh my self on the same day once a week first thing in the morning when haven't eaten or drank yet, I feel this way gives you a better representation of weight lost, as you fluctuate to much from day to day depending on food eaten, exercise done or not etc etc. I think least if I weigh my self before I've had breakfast then it really is just my body and organs that are being weighed lol, and as today showed I have lost 4lbs then this way def suits me! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE :like:
Re: Weekly vs daily weigh-in?
09 Mar 2013, 10:46
It doesn't always work that the morning after a fast day you will be your lightest. Between yesterday morning and this morning I have apparently gained 2lb despite only eating 500 cals between the two weighings. Clearly the 2lb is not fat!
Re: Weekly vs daily weigh-in?
09 Mar 2013, 10:54
I weigh myself every morning and get anxious if I haven't weighed. Daily weighing helps me to see trends although I take my WI on a Wednesday morning as 'official'.
I read previously that the National Weight Loss Registry (an American organisation as far as I can tell) suggests that once at target especially daily weigh ins are beneficial.
Ad with all things though , I think it totally depends on what helps the individual.
Re: Weekly vs daily weigh-in?
09 Mar 2013, 11:07
I'm a big fan of the daily weigh-in, because I like the science. It's really interesting to see how the weight fluctuates from day to day.

A relatively high fat, high protein meal can have no impact at all, but a strict 500 calorie meal with mountains of cauliflower can add a couple of pounds. So, the fluctuations are just down to the amount of water in my body at that point in time. It's no surprise given the amount of water I get through food and drink and the number of times I have a wee during a day. There's no way the water balance could be the same every day. I'd even go as far as too say that sleeping on my back with my mouth open can cause a good half pound drop!

So with all that in mind, I weigh daily - first thing in the morning after I've been for a wee, but the graph that I'm living for is the monthly average.
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