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The 5:2 Lab

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This review summarises why fat accumulation in the abdomen is so bad.
and suggests waist measurement is important to spot those at risk.
One of the big mysteries for me has been where is my waist. So with so much emphasis being placed on waist to height ratio, I thought that I needed to find the answer. The best that I have found so far is so before I log my newly expanded figures, can anyone tell me if this is a fair guide.
Does it tally with this? viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1019
Have you noticed that the weight really comes off around the waist as opposed to other diets? I am in week 6 and while the scales havent really budged in the last 2 weeks, I can see a big change in my clothes, especially around the waist and torso
Yes thanks for the earlier link, give or take it works out about the same point.
So now all I need to do is grow to 2 metres aNd all will be fine!
Hi Red01, yes I have noticed that as well, I have been doing this for 2 weeks and a bit and can see the difference, unfortunately didn't take waist measurements when I started but I can feel it with my clothes. Even when I was on a low carb / shake diet , I didn't notice this much difference. Is there a scientific reason why 5:2 plan targets the visceral fat more or is it just a coincidence? :?:
For me it seems to go in waves...big waist reductions and little weight loss followed by big weight drops with no waistline change. The different fat deposits must be taking it in turns to supply energy on fast days! Or maybe it's something to do with water balance. It's certainly worth measuring both waist and weight.

I don't know about the mechanism behind it but I think it's something to do with differences in the physiology of visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. In some of the studies comparing fasting with reducing calories the preferential loss of visceral fat was noted.
carorees wrote: For me it seems to go in waves...big waist reductions and little weight loss followed by big weight drops with no waistline change.

For me it's similar, the waist dropped a bit but hasn't budged for a week or two despite continuing weight loss. My fear I was losing muscle instead has been alleviated by the fact the fat on my legs and arms is disappearing very fast (it's wierd, I'd no idea that there was so much muscle under there :grin: )

I fear I'm destined to suffer the fate of many 40 something blokes and get thin everywhere except on the belly...

I recently bought some of the Omron Boday Fat Monitor scales and although the actual body fat measurement, along with my waist measurement has decreased slightly, it's still showing the same number (10) for visceral fat.

I just wondered if any of you know how or if these scales really can differentiate between the two types of fat.

does the Omron scale have hand grips as well as feet contact pads ?

Sometimes these readouts are just correlations based on testing a group of people, different paths like arm-arm or arm to opposite leg impedance measurements might allow some differentiation about location of fat.
PhilT wrote: does the Omron scale have hand grips as well as feet contact pads ?

Sometimes these readouts are just correlations based on testing a group of people, different paths like arm-arm or arm to opposite leg impedance measurements might allow some differentiation about location of fat.

Hi Phil,

They do have the hand grips, in fact I think they're the same model Dr M used in the original Horizon programme.

I suppose a waist measurement is still a good indication of visceral fat though.
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