I normally fast on Thursday and Monday . I am due to give blood on Thursday and need to change that fast. Instinct says Wednesday would be a bad idea, would Friday be too soon. Has anyone else had this dilemma . Giving blood is a higher priority than fasting for me.
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I don't see why you couldn't skip a day this weekif you don't feel up to fasting on weds or Fri. I'd go for Fri myself then if I didn't feel good I could just skip the fast after all.
Skip it. I've recently moved areas and they were explaining their ultra-cautious approach here as saying it's to do with blood volume in the body as much as anything. I'd basically try to keep loss of blood as the only variable for part of the week.
Think you would probably be better missing out the fast altogether but I'm sure someone with more knowledge will come on line & keep you right. At one time I know they didn't take blood donations from people following a diet but that was a while ago & things change!
I gave blood once having not eaten all day - and promptly ended up on the floor as soon as I stood up - crowd around me etc!! embarrasing. Apparently the amount we donate is equal to 1lb in weight anyway and we make it up over the next few weeks. I tried this once when I was doing slimming world - donated and got an extra pound off = slimmer of the week ! What a cheat.
I fainted about four hours after giving blood and they now wont let me donate unless i have someone to drive me home and stay with me all night, so if you dont want to risk having to stop donating I would agree with all those above and skip a fast
KoalaKube wrote: I gave blood once having not eaten all day - and promptly ended up on the floor as soon as I stood up - crowd around me etc!! embarrasing. Apparently the amount we donate is equal to 1lb in weight anyway and we make it up over the next few weeks. I tried this once when I was doing slimming world - donated and got an extra pound off = slimmer of the week ! What a cheat.
Ha ha Koalakube! That's genius!
I was a week out with my dates! Didn't donate until today. Thanks for all the advice. Everything was fine-though the venue was freezing which made the donation a bit slow. Will probably not fast again until planned day on Monday . Thanks again for the advice
My story involves my friend who gave blood a few years ago and she hadn't really had much to eat all day, then went to a party and drank and not unsurprisingly ended up being a bit poorly! She was a student at the time and has learnt since (slowly) to take better care of herself.
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