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The 5:2 Lab

49 posts Page 4 of 4
Re: Paleo vs Med shootout
20 Jun 2013, 09:32
Katamac, how is the insect farming project going? Please update! :smile:
Re: Paleo vs Med shootout
20 Jun 2013, 18:27
Well I killed the crickets (too cold, I need to get some sort of heating sorted out for them) but the meal worms are at beetle stage. I was going to do a couple of generations before eating, but I'm getting impatient, so may eat some of the next lot of worms. I'll also give the crickets another go once I'm back from holiday.
Re: Paleo vs Med shootout
20 Jun 2013, 19:35
I followed a strict Paleo Diet for 6 years and transformed my health and was at my ideal weight. I started reintroducing corn products (tortillas, chips, etc), small amounts of dairy, rice, starchy veggies (potatoes) 2 years ago, and my weight went up. I am now trying Paleo with 5:2 as of last week. So far, a great combination. I think it will work for me.

I always loved eating Paleo, because I never had that full, stuffed feeling after a meal, like you get when eating breads, pastas, rice, etc. Also, no gas or bloating.
Re: Paleo vs Med shootout
21 Jun 2013, 17:54
@katamac, thanks for the reply and sorry I didn't reply earlier. So, the crickets didn't make it then...good luck with the meal worms. I see that Heston Blumenthal did a pizza topping with them, but as usual he faffed about - injecting them individually (can you imagine?!) with tomato sauce. Why can he absolutely not keep anything simple? Have a nice holiday, and I will bug you for more updates when you get back! :smile:
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