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The 5:2 Lab

15 posts Page 1 of 1
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 11:45
Izzy, don't throw in the towel. You're doing great on cutting down on the carbs. I do know the frustration of the sod it mentality when you have a health condition but you've been sounding so positive about the changes you have made to your diet, don't be disheartened. Hang on in there, good things come to those who wait! Talking of waiting I'm sure a nerd will come along shortly... :smile:
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 12:02
Hi izzy

I would say that insulin resistance is of much less importance if you are eating a low glycaemic load diet. If your diet does not require your body to produce insulin then the degree of insulin resistance is less relevant. So, I would certainly carry on with your low carb diet. Further, attention to the fatty acid content of your food may be helpful. The article indicated that glucocorticoids were detrimental to omega-6 fatty acids metabolism whereas they had little effect on omega-3 fatty acids which may help heart function, so I would try to avoid the oils that are high in omega-6 such as sunflower oil and instead go for those high in omega-3 such as rapeseed oil.

I believe you said that the steroid medication would not be a permanent thing though? Has something changed?
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 12:34
Aww Izzy, isn't this forum just wonderful for putting us back on our feet? :heart: Always good to post before panic sets us off running and screaming or throwing in the towel. As dhana said you always seem to be upbeat and positive on the forum, always a pleasure to read your posts (and humor) here's a :rose: :hugleft: :grin:
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 12:45
No, no,'re not wasting your time. You are doing yourself so much good. Don't give up. This way of life might not solve all our problems but it looks like it can help many.
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 12:55
Izzy, no way! You've lost 4 kilos, you're doing great!
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 13:02
Izzy, if you read the medical research on ANY medicine, you'll want to quit life and go live in a cave. Just don't do it!!!
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 19:01
Izzy are you trying to give me a fright, first time browsing after my hols and I saw your post, please don't give in now. You, Dhana, TML ,Ballerina and everyone else have supported me when I have a downer and we've had a laugh along the way. Look after yourself but don't leave us we would miss you, you all seem like friends now. :heart:

Chris x
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 20:36
Hi Izzy

Glad it was just blip :confused: I have been to sunny Spain, my sun tan is now turning to rust, what is it with this UK weather I hate it. Well, I have put 4lbs on probably due to Alcohol consumption :razz: cos I was quite good with the food no fasting on hols but I got back into it without a problem on Tues/Wed a.m. :grin:
Nice to be back, I missed you all. I have got to stop using my phone to see what is happening here when I'm at work. I got stung with an extra bill for exceeding my web limit, I must be the only one where 5:2 is costing money. :grin:
Take care Izzy and don't frighten yourself again, keep off the Med sites. :wink:

Chris x
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 21:14
Hi Chris,
Good to have a familiar face back, so to speak, sounds like a good hol was had. xx :cool:

you are going nowhere, this is your home with your family all around you. What do family do? We support each other through thick and thicker! My husband has quite severe kidney problems and some days are rather challenging but do we give up? Do we drink copious amounts of alcohol? Do we dream of winning the lottery and becoming a rich man's plaything? sorry, got a bit carried away there! What I am trying to say, rather badly, is, hang on, take a deep breath and, what is the expression, keep calm and carry on, yep, that's the one!

Keep posting, and virtual hugs on the way......... :heart:

Ballerina x
Re: Am I wasting my time?
29 May 2013, 21:27
YES, YES, YES!!! We do dream of winning the lottery and spending 100.000 quid on a shopping trip to London and investing in the invention of negative calories and go on a holiday for one month during which we won't gain more than 2 pounds but... wait... what was the question???
Re: Am I wasting my time?
30 May 2013, 17:17
I won a tenner on Saturday, we could split that between us. Wouldn't get us far though, maybe buy a cheap glass of plonk. :lol:

Its so good to be back on here. :heart:
Re: Am I wasting my time?
30 May 2013, 17:22
It's a start :booze: but not enough for me to become a rich man's plaything though! :rotfl: Great to have you back, :like:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Am I wasting my time?
30 May 2013, 20:54
Hang on you lot - wait for me to get the gladrags on, oh and a bit of lippy! :lol: Now, where's the old rich guy? :grin:
Re: Am I wasting my time?
30 May 2013, 22:02
For goodness sake, girls, get a move on , that private jet won't wait for ever, and Dhana, they sell lippy in Mustique you know!!!!

Oh, it was just a dream, wasn't it? :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Am I wasting my time?
30 May 2013, 22:12
I play the same numbers every week. You will know I've won when I announce a 5:2 meeting for champagne afternoon tea at Claridges. I will fly or limo all of you, of course!!!
I'll have the Lapsang Susong, or whatever its spelling is...
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