You can be fat adapted and be overweight. Being fat adapted just means your body is able to burn fat. Whether the fat comes from the diet or the fat stores is doesn't make a difference to being fat adapted. Fasting will get you there for sure. Most obese people are metabolically inflexible meaning their bodies are reluctant to change fuels from s. However, if you are overweight or normal weight you might be fat adapted or you might have metabolic inflexibility.
Whether or not you are fat adapted, when you eat carbs you release insulin. If you are insulin resistant you'll need to release more insulin than if you are not. Insulin makes the body take up the glucose from the bloodstream and store it, in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver. But there is only capacity for around 1500 calories worth of glucose as glycogen. What glucose cannot be stored as glycogen, insulin stimulates its conversion to fat in the liver, the fat is transported as cholesterol to the fat stores where insulin then stimulates the uptake of the fat into adipose tissue. However, if you have little adipose tissue (some people just don't have much) or the adipose tissue is insulin resistant (which tends to happen with severe obesity) the fat will be deposited around the organs causing a large belly. This is not the same as a belly roll due to fat stored under the skin of the belly (usually lower down, below the belly button). That area is another of the normal adipose tissue locations where fat can be safely stored, the others being the hips, thighs, arms etc. So a big belly above the waist is a sign of insulin resistance as it represents fat stored around the organs (the dangerous stuff that increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes) but large hips, thighs or a lower abdomen belly roll is just normal stored fat put there by insulin released following carb eating. (Of course it is a bit more complicated than that but mostly that is what happens). Differences in insulin sensitivity of the different adipose tissue sites results in different patterns of fat deposition, so some people have a big backside, others huge arms or whatever, that's all down to variations in how responsive those places are to the insulin signal.
So, your belly roll @ferretgal is probably nothing to do with whether you are fat adapted but likely just the way you are. (And of course , we love you just the way you are as someone once sang...