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When to lose the baby weight
26 Mar 2014, 07:18
Doctors: When to lose baby weight

Just spotted this article on the BBC news website.
Link not working Caroline. Is it just me?
Think I've fixed it...
I could never lose weight till I stopped breast feeding unlike some women who lose loads of weight through feeding.
@Lil I was exactly the same. I didn't drop even five lbs between giving birth and stopping BF my twins at eight and a half months. Almost as soon as I stopped, the weight started to go, even before I tried. Sadly, only the first stone and a half or so went by itself :frown: . I'm sure that some people's bodies protect themselves against the drain that is BF, whereas for others it takes everything from their system.
Interesting that exercise is being held up as a useful tool to lose weight when recent evidence suggests otherwise...
Must start to try and lose my baby weight. :( She was 21 yesterday :O
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