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The 5:2 Lab

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Why a VLCD can't solve diabetes
13 Mar 2014, 09:54
Here's a useful analysis explaining why a recent study that appears to support the notion that a very low calorie diet could treat diabetes is misguided. ... es-crisis/
izzy wrote: @Carorees, either I'm just plain stupid :oops: or you might have posted the wrong link. I read and re-read Zoe Harcombe's article, but it was about protein in diets, I couldn't see any mention of VLCD and diabetes :confused:

Interesting website though even though I couldn't see the VLCD & diabetes either. :bugeyes:
Auriga wrote:
izzy wrote: @Carorees, either I'm just plain stupid :oops: or you might have posted the wrong link. I read and re-read Zoe Harcombe's article, but it was about protein in diets, I couldn't see any mention of VLCD and diabetes :confused:

Interesting website though even though I couldn't see the VLCD & diabetes either. :bugeyes:

Phew! Thought it was just me being my usual thick self :oops:

Ballerina x :heart:
izzy wrote: @Carorees, either I'm just plain stupid :oops: or you might have posted the wrong link. I read and re-read Zoe Harcombe's article, but it was about protein in diets, I couldn't see any mention of VLCD and diabetes :confused:

Oops! Corrected the link now. Thanks for letting me know!
Thanks Caroline. My next door neighbour has type 2 diabetes and she hasn't had it very long. I am SO tempted to tell her about a different way of managing her diabetes or even curing it with a switch to this way of eating and lowering carbs, but I can't interfere. When I try and talk to her about her diabetes and what she eats etc. she doesn't respond. I can understand that, but I think she could be helped far better than she is. It's very frustrating....I think I know how a doctor might feel if they can't say what they really would like to!!!! :confused: And as for Big Pharm and the drug industry...well don't get me started. :curse:
I work as a practice nurse and find it astonishing that the 'expert' advice on controlling diabetes is still based on the 'base your meals round starchy carbs' old cobblers (sorry). It seems ludicrous to me that when people with diabetes (type 2 mainly) have real problems metabolising carbohydrates efficiently that the advice is to base your meals round the very foods that are likely to make things a whole lot worse. I'm probably over simplifying things but I know from personal experience that dropping carbs in the diet will lead to improvements in blood glucose (and I'm not diabetic). Re the Newcastle study - I read vaguely about it but had thought (mistakenly apparently) that they were embracing the ketogenic diet benefits. What a shame they're not. Really interesting article. PS I do try to do my bit and don't toe the party line re diet and diabetes!
I guess the best thing we can do is try and spread 'the word' if we can with a bit of gentle persuasion. I feel a bit like David with Goliath at times....maybe a little stone will hit the mark at some point in time. That includes 'fat isn't bad for you': now there's a hill to climb from all the conditioning we've had.
Thank you @izzy and @loversghost for your comments and @carorees for this thread.
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