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It's good to laugh, burns lots of calories! :lol:
Absolutely brilliant. :like:

If all else fails then I will have to get a "Fartectomy" LMAO now :lol: :lol:
Once again, I'm glad you've all enjoyed it. I might have some ice cream to celebrate, but it must be appropriate: raspberry ripple perhaps...
You need to tell Dr M about this diet...I'm sure he'd be blown away!
Inspiring! Just reading this makes me feel fartified!
If you're following this diet you need this new app from Google:
:lol: :lol:
carorees wrote: You need to tell Dr M about this diet...I'm sure he'd be blown away!

:grin: Actually I have tweeted him (and Mimi), but not had a response (yet). Sorry Moogie if this has lowered the tone a bit. I certainly didn't intend to create a stink.
wildmissus wrote: My husband had always said that his granny told him that if you burp and fart at the same time your lungs will collapse.

It's not true. :wink:

Love it. I was very slow to get it (the joke being, how do you know?)...
Love it. It explains so much. I'm on the fast diet and my darling husband is on the fart diet! :shock:
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