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It's been a while, since I've popped by and said high, not because I'm being antisocial, but I suppose my 5 2 lifestyle just became habit and was working.

Well here I am after my first 12 months and a few weeks, 5 stone down !!!! :victory: I've gone from a size 20 to size 10/12 and now fitting in all my daughters skinny jeans :like:

I have been maintaining and still losing the 1lb here and there since Christams on 5 1, the occasional 5 2 when I have totally over done it at the weekends or moments that last longer than 4 days !! :oops:

I always do a Monday I think of it as my reset button, some are harder than others and I long for my supper in the evening. Monday to thursday I am quite controlled even when I'm out and about, because for me the weekend starts at friday lunchtime, and the I let myself go.

I really think as this as my way of life, just for me. I haven't branded it about, but now am being asked more and more how I have done it. I just give people links and pointers beacuse I believe they need to find out for themselves like I did, and not have it handed on a plate *excuse the pun* What I have noticed is, many people embark on this and many other diets, because they feel they have to, not because they are ready and WANT To ! You have to be in the right frame of mind, understand what you eat, and how your body reacts. Make a choice and stick to it.

Biggest dietary changes for me.

No alcohol Monday / Thursday , I drank alot.
Less bread, butter, pasta, rice, cakes and biscuits.

Keep going everyone, enjoy the new you and new life, and THINK of that bikini bod in summer, I know I can't wait. :heart:
Wow, now that is truly inspirational!!! Impressed, any piccies please?!
Debs wrote: Wow, now that is truly inspirational!!! Impressed, any piccies please?!

I am in total agreement with that statement Debs. I find when people ask me how I lost weight I tend to just mumble something because it find most overweight folk don't actually want to put in the effort, they just want to have your success instantly. I don't mean this unkindly as I've done it myself in the past when I've not been in the right frame of mind to change my life and, for me, that is the key, you have to really want to do it. Well done, you have achieved something to be SO proud of,

Ballerina x :heart:

This is loast weekend, my before phots are on the forum here x :heart:
Wow you look amazing and I lurrrvvve those trousers. Well done x
Congratulations you look fantastic. You are right it comes to a point that you have to make up your mind what you are going to do and do it. The old saying, what would you like more to be slim or have that piece of cake, glass of wine, lump of cheese, whichever of these things are your weakness. With this way of life you can have both by keeping treats to the weekend. Another quip from a dietitian a treat is only a treat if you have it once or twice a week any more than that and it's not a treat it is your normal diet. Well done again, I wandered a bit there.
You look really good, sexy in those trousers if I may so!
Great post, and well done. You look fab. And it really is inspiring for those of us at the beginning of our journey. So thank you.
Wow, you look great, what a fantastic achievement!
Great too that you've found a balance that allows fun and maintenance!
You look absolutely fantastic and what a great ad for the 5 2 way of eating! I quite agree with what others have said - I work as a nurse in a GP practice and a lot of people say they want to lose weight but don't want to make any real changes. You have to want to do it and keep at it and find a way that works for you. Congrats again, you look fab!
:heart: Well done Lyndsey that's some achievement you look absolutely fantastic and very inspirational especially to our newcomers reading your progress.
Glad the maintenance is going well for you and mostly
6:1 which I imagine is no hardship at all probably welcoming your Monday fast I know most of us do congratulations. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Wowyou look fab! Love the outfit too x congratulations xx
This is what i love about here..i' m fasting today and this story helps me keep focused! X
Thanks for sharing Lynz xx
I can't find yr before pics..loved reading some of yr blogs and website tho xx
You look amazing Lynz :heart:
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