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sleepless in Stirling!
06 Mar 2013, 10:28
I did my first fast yesterday and was surprised, verging on incredulity, how easy I found it. I usually have a hearty bowl of porridge with honey for breakfast and a decent size lunch, but decided to go without, and just had tea (three cups, two with milk, one herbal, and one coffee), and then a dinner of grilled salmon and veggies at about 6p.m. I was delighted and dare i say slightly smug. However as the evening wore on (and on), I was aware of rumblings from my tum, although my dinner was fairly substantial, about 420 cals. Went to bed and for the life of me I just could not wind down, relax and get to sleep. I felt so wired and my legs felt weird, as though they wanted to run a marathon. Finally, got to sleep about three in the morning. Is this par for the course? Any advice to avoid this in future? :sleepy:
Re: sleepless in Stirling!
06 Mar 2013, 12:16
Yes, it is normal. The increased alertness caused by fasting (so you don't miss that gazelle you were hunting) results in insomnia. It does get better though. In fact, some people sleep better on fast days than other days. For me I don't sleep so well on fast days but no worse than before starting 5:2, but on feed days I sleep much better.

Dr M says he saves a few calories for a small glass of milk at bedtime and thinks that helps. As you only had 420 cals yesterday you would have had enough for a little milk...maybe try that next time?
Re: sleepless in Stirling!
06 Mar 2013, 15:26
that's a good idea re the milk, Caro. Hope it gets better for you Dhana
I was on my third fast day on Monday and on Monday night I went to bed at 10, was asleep by 10:15 and then woke up at 2am and couldn't get back to sleep. I had nothing on my mind, no physical discomfort, so it was a bit annoying. I usually sleep like a log so weird for me, hopefully it will get better. Haven't felt particularly tired for it either, though. What the divil is going on?
Re: sleepless in Stirling!
06 Mar 2013, 16:12
I experienced something very similar on my first fast day, two days ago. I felt pretty "wired" when I should have been sleepy. I'm hoping it doesn't repeat tonight; I may take a few capsules of Valerian root to help things along.

By the way, I was in Stirling last summer, at a conference at the uni. I visited the castle and had a nice dinner at the little Italian resto in the middle of town, right on the main street. Can't remember the name. It was a lovely place, and I wish I could have spent more time there.
Re: sleepless in Stirling!
06 Mar 2013, 16:34
Hi Sleepless in Stirling and Ubizmo,

I've been doing this way of life now since October last year and yes, I was just the same, could not wind down, felt re-charged and able to run a marathon which is not practical at 10 o'clock at night when you are in bed trying to sleep. I know for a fact that that I couldn't run a marathon even if I wasn't in bed so no chance of it happening whilst I'm under the duvet, electric blanket on full and a good book on my kindle. It does settle down somewhat as do the feelings of cold on fast days. I am now almost at the weight I was when young and it is lovely to have my body back just a shame I can't do the same for my face but hey, that's life. When I hit the menopause, you can ignore this bit Ubizmo unless you are a menopausal female with an over active moustache and beard area, my waist got thicker and my hair got thinner but thanks to Dr Mosely I have now reversed this ghastly trend so keep going because the rewards are there just waiting for you to claim them, good luck.

I rejuvenate on Mondays and Thursdays
Re: sleepless in Stirling!
06 Mar 2013, 18:21
Thanks to all who replied - I love the idea of me running after a gazelle, actually just running would be wonderful! I will try the milk next fast, hot and maybe with the addition of a wee dram (purely medicinal, of course :wink: )
Thanks, Ballerina for making me giggle and Ubizmo I think you are referring to La Ciocara which has the best ice cream in town - one of the reasons I am here...
Re: sleepless in Stirling!
06 Mar 2013, 18:55
dhana wrote: Ubizmo I think you are referring to La Ciocara which has the best ice cream in town - one of the reasons I am here...

That's the one! I had chicken milanese and it was wonderful, and yes, some ice cream for dessert. It had to be good, for me to remember what I ordered last July! Also, my wife bought a jacket in the Red Cross thrift store on the other side of the street.
Re: sleepless in Stirling!
06 Mar 2013, 20:31
it really is a small world isn't it? I had the buffet lunch in there on Thursday, and donated a pile of books to the red Cross shop yesterday. Dhana
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