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Benefits & Side Effects

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On another thread I was just reading I noticed my tastes have really altered over the months on this WOE. I never thought I would really reduce eating bread. Have it now just as a treat. Pasta now is also once a fortnight. Wine is now a spritzer. Flour is rarely added. Cereals just don't pass my lips instead I sprinkle a combination of seeds onto my free days fruit and yoghurt. I am eyeing my honey pot and while I still sweeten my tea that is reducing by choice and a no go on fast day. Almond milk has crept in to my coffee. Butter is back sparingly but home made and salted.

So I am making the change to a more plant based lower carb and protein diet. It is looking Paleo but this time I am not kicking and screaming and resenting my way there. More like turning what once were my staples into treats. The white poisons are moving house or are condiments not the main event

Is anyone else finding this and being surprised?
Nope, my tastes are still essentially the same. I think I'd modify things more if I didn't have a carniverous family I have to fit in around. I just eat less of everything. Except for yoghurt, dried fruit and nuts and lollies. I gave up chocolate but I took up lollies. Bugger.
Not really, but I'm am still working on telling myself that treat items should be weekly, not daily.
I'm finding this. Not in the same way you are but a good example happened yesterday, my husband suggested we get a take away last night and I said no. I cooked instead and was happier being aware of exactly what I was eating!
Had a restaurant cooked pizza recently and had a rough night after feeling very unwell. Portion sizes have greatly reduced too. Also
I no longer need to snack between meals.
No - That is the reason that I love this diet - my choices on an eating day have barely shifted. Last night I had pizza, chocolate pudding, and cider :)

I suppose that am now less insistent on a large portion of carbs with every meal, but we do still have carbs with most eating day meals. And I am allowing salted butter back into my life :heart:
Yes, I'm eating less carbs, drinking less wine and not buying so called healthy cereal bars and snacks. I don't have the tummy rumble induced dash to the cupboard or fruit bowl anymore.
Haven't changed as still eat chocolate etc :shock: :lol: but I do eat less bread, and it is more of a treat rather than a staple. Also less pasta. And portion size has altered as well. But apart from those things, that's about it ...

Oh forgot, don't have breakfast except when on holiday ... :wink:

And am on holiday today :wink: so off now to have a boiled egg and
toast :shock: :lol: before venturing out in to the cold and dank North Yorkshire coastal air ... (I may be some time :wink: :razz: )
Lots more veggies means less of other things, smaller portions too of meat and chicken. often have a salad with walnuts or a seed mix instead of tuna or deli meat and rarely have rice or pasta now whereas it was a daily staple along with bread. Fruit now is more likely to be berries which I buy frozen and usually have them with Greek yogurt, at the beginning of 5.2 I was a banana fiend but now I find them too sweet and filling. I have discovered green bananas or plantains and love them with spicy casseroles like tagine or Carribean style dishes in place of the rice. Flax crackers and bread are another great discovery and I much prefer them to bread now. I no longer look for "low fat" foods, actually avoid them like the plague now as I have lost my fear of "fat" and now enjoy butter on my veg, generous glugs of olive oil on my salads and coconut oil in my stirfries.
If only I could find a replacement for red wine!! :oops:
Gosh my food intake is so different now that I don't recognise myself! I've made such HUGE changes since May.... a landmark year for me!! Long gone are the days of burgers in buns or scampi and chips, pizzas - especially stuffed crust ones, Mr Kipling's Cherry Bakewell-type cakes (two daily at least) and half a packet of biscuits. My meals are always made from scratch, low calorie and low carb. I gave up "white carbs" too so no white bread, pasta, rice or potatoes, except sweet ones occasionallly. I prefer cauliflower rice and courgette spaghetti these days. Puddings are either fat-free natural yoghurt with a handful of raspberries, or stewed blackberries and Bramleys with a dollop of Total 0%. Drink lots of green tea too which I love! Breakfast has swapped from a huge mountain of granola to porridge made with jumbo oats and liberally sprinkled with cinnamon (and a little Truvia - I'm only human!) No alcohol, but I was never more than a one occasional can of Fosters girl anyway!

I've relented along the way and had an occasional slice of cake - which I will admit I've always enjoyed - but my body gives me indigestion in protest these days! And to be honest, I get more of a buzz from having the willpower to say no to temptation than by actually eating it and living with the guilt afterwards.

My occasional evening "munchie" is a Caramel jumbo Snack-a-jack.... pure rubbish I know, but hey.... we've all got to have a treat occasionally.

It has taken me 50 years to start to give my body the respect it deserves and it has responded by making me feel like I'm bouncing with vitality, energy and clarity.... and I like it!!!
My tastes haven't changed, but my body's ability to eat the things I like certainly have. I had a piece of marble cake with chocolate frosting and a Magnum choc ice thingy yesterday and I have paid for it through the night. I won't be eating that kind of thing again anytime soon. Bleurgh. It's happened to a lesser degree a couple of times before and I was silly to eat such rich food D'oh.
Dhana - there is no replacement for red wine! White is very nice tho :lol: but not the same. Rarely have red now cos of potential effect on skin :cry:
The other effect that this WOE has had on me is boost my interest in the science of nutrition. I've learned SO much this year about eating and the process of digestion, it's all totally fascinating!
Domane wrote: The other effect that this WOE has had on me is boost my interest in the science of nutrition. I've learned SO much this year about eating and the process of digestion, it's all totally fascinating!

Couldn't agree more Domane. I'd always considered myself pretty clued up regarding healthy eating and diet but joining this forum has been a revelation so many thanks to all you knowledgeable guys who have opened my eyes and educated me on nutrition and alternative WOE. :like: :like:
Its early days for me but i echo lots of whats been said here..well done everybody on making excellent changes.
And isnt it the beauty of this way of eating,that these changes seem to come about quite naturally,just creep up..
I still cant resist at times the things i used to call treats,cakes and so on,which tho i called them treats,they were a daily occurrence..but my tummy really doesnt like them any more and i feel unwell and too full.
Things i didnt expect to happen include cutting down on fruit..i mainly have berries with 0% yogurt.
And i didnt expect how i would start craving green veg
All this in eight weeks...
Plus like Domane said,have taken in so much info about digestion x
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