A new month, a new start. And an 'interesting' graph. If this would be a trend line from someone's weight, it would be marvelous. Actually, it is the number of replies in our monthly maintenance topic from January 2015 to last month.
Naturally, it could mean different things. Are we collectively getting into a routine, where maintenance is no longer a real issue, and just part of our stable life-style? Do we have the idea that 'just telling someone about nothing really interesting is happening' is something nobody is waiting for? Or are fewer members 'in maintenance'? Are some of us struggling in silence, only waiting for the moment to report a glorious comback? Is there a general 'posting fatique'?
For me it's defenitively the first two, but what's it for you? Let us know, so perhaps a slight increase in numbers this month
Naturally, it could mean different things. Are we collectively getting into a routine, where maintenance is no longer a real issue, and just part of our stable life-style? Do we have the idea that 'just telling someone about nothing really interesting is happening' is something nobody is waiting for? Or are fewer members 'in maintenance'? Are some of us struggling in silence, only waiting for the moment to report a glorious comback? Is there a general 'posting fatique'?
For me it's defenitively the first two, but what's it for you? Let us know, so perhaps a slight increase in numbers this month