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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Quick update have hardly used my butter I made but when I have yum

Due shortly to make my next batch so am on the hunt for the very best cream I can find here abouts and very best large salt flakes. Ummm butter still better :)
loseitlyd wrote: The butter on my holiday to France recently was divine. Would have been tempted to bring back some to the UK but it's one of the products you're not allowed to....and I'm not a fan of president.

I bring more than 20 things that we're not allowed to from England. I've perfected the art of hiding food in my suitcase and so far I had no trouble. Butter is one of them, the only British butter that I can find here is Kerrygold and I don't like it.
When I run out of English butter, I buy French one from Carrefour (French supermarket) which is better than Lurpak or President.
I love shopping in Carrefour lol, i am originally from France and family still there, the aisles and aisles of products always amazes me... Didnt know they had Carrefour in Greece,brilliant!
Sorry just got carried away :-)
Lest hear it for butter!!!!!!
Thank Heavens for Kerry Gold Irish butter!
The butter over here does not cut it, but luckily they import it. I do miss my Clover and Warburtons though :cry:
angie090465 wrote: TML13!
I love shopping in Carrefour lol, i am originally from France and family still there, the aisles and aisles of products always amazes me... Didnt know they had Carrefour in Greece,brilliant!
Sorry just got carried away :-)
Lest hear it for butter!!!!!!

Thank God we have them! They have good cheese, ham and dairy selection. :heart:

And all those gorgeous bread... I know its not very popular with fasting but there is something special with the smell of fresh baked bread...and croissants, and pains au chocolat,ok, i think i'll go and have one of those cold showers now... On second thoughts, maybe not :-)
I just had 2 thick slices of homemade sourdough bread right out from the overn and lots of butter!! Sourdough bread does not make my tummy go all crazy and hot bread with butter is just devine.

Do I feel guilty? Not at all as tomorrow is a fast day and all the glucose in my blood stream will be used up!
... Seriously thinking of going on a breadmaking course, possibly eventually a sourdough one. My bread consumption has gone down, but When I do eat it I like to have something a bit special rather than the workaday stuff. We are lucky up here in Northumberland and Tyneside as there seem to be artisan bakeries popping up all over the place ... and in the next month we have no less than 3 food festivals in the region! (Berwick, Alnwick and the eat! festival in Newcastle). So much to eat, so little time ... :shock: :wink:
Absolutely the point silverdarling only room now for the best bread and when you do savouring it . Agree too less time to eat so again make it worth while In the quality of the food you eat
No need to go to a course, it is rather easy. I was 8 when I baked my first bread (the most simple kind, the one that you knead and it goes straight into the oven) and now I do it quite often.
Honestly, it is very, very easy!!!
gillymary wrote: Absolutely the point silverdarling only room now for the best bread and when you do savouring it . Agree too less time to eat so again make it worth while In the quality of the food you eat

Yes it's strange how having less of something makes you reevaluate it and appreciate it in a different way. So bread becomes a speciality food, rather than a daily staple. All showing our changing and evolving relationship with what we're eating.

TML, I have made bread before, and it was relatively easy; however I'm aware that there is a lot more to it than it appears at first - like the whole sourdough thing. And I also find that there is always something to pick up from other people, especially those who do it as a job: just speaking to the artisan baker at the local farmer's market was interesting, and whetted my appetite for finding out more (and the bread was pretty good too :razz: )
Indeed, speaking to the bakers can be rather interesting (or off-putting when you find out what's going on in the bread industry).
Sourdough is also very easy. I learnt how to do it myself, just for the heck of it since I prefer bread made with yeast.
I might not eat bread very often (you will never find bread in my house unless I'm hosting a meal) but there is nothing that I love more than fresh bread with cheese or warm bread with butter. YUM YUM YUUUUUUUM!!!
I'm having a baked onion with butter and some Dijon mustard for my lunch #yum
Hi all

Managed to miss this epic thread with holidays etc so have just had a very entertaining half hour or so reading it through. I love butter, always have, although I have to say I was raised on margarine, probably because it was so much cheaper. We lived off homemade cakes so my mum used to buy the big square tubs of cooking marg - looking back at what we used to eat and the fact we had lots of our clothes from jumble sales/went on caravan holidays etc I don't think there can have been much money sloshing around but maybe that's how everyone grew up in the 1980s? Some of the older 1970s/early 80s ones were in hardwearing plastic tubs that we subsequently stored our flour in - my mum STILL uses these 30 year old tubs to store her flours ( so does my grandma and I have no idea how longshe's had those - she's 89)!!

I then ate marg until fairly recently, just having butter as a treat - remember I am part of the 'fat is bad' generation, although it was never as good. The low point was baking with really low fat marg when doing weight watchers (the most depressing cake recipes ever - low fat marg, sweetener, eggwhite....bleurgh!) but I have gradually come back round to butter. I love it salted and nice & yellow and admit I do buy spreadable (usually it's just vegetable oil mixed in) esp in summer as the butter needs to be kept in the fridge and I can never get it warm enough to spread or beat for baking - if I have a block from the fridge I slice it quite thin and lay on the toast. In the winter when the kitchen's cold enough I use block butter as the paper is much more eco-friendly as a packaging (my aunty uses butter wrappers as liners for cake tins - now that's economical). It's just a great food that we have been making for thousands of years and is part of our food culture, just like bread. Quite handy that they go together isn't it!

And to finish (I always end up writing loads when I only ever mean to put a few sentences) - this was on the Radio 4 food programme recently. Can't believe no one's mentioned it so far. Enjoy listening while eating toast, slathered in butter with a cup of tea on the side...
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