Dont worry, im not starting a 2014 club
I was just replying to another Christmas club member about how losing a bit more by Christmas would be a great start for 2014 and that inspired this post.
I wonder what all your goals are for 2014.. I mean the whole year. Most people have been here for a good 6 months or more and it seems it does take people a year or more often to get to the weight they want to be add (I had a post somewhere that predicted a 10% of your target loss every month, and strangely for me if i averaged out my losses since April, its about that)
I am predicting that most that have been here for a while will have reached not some mini goal but your ultimate goal and be joining the "priveleged" maintenance group. I shall be one of them for sure! Perhaps not till March or April as the last 2 kilos might be slow to shift but i will be there
And i think most of us will stick around here too. Which is so good.
I know most people dont think about new year plans till after Christmas but im scared people might go off on holidays or something and need to think and plan ahead of time. If you are in the Christmas club I guess you want to keep the spirit and passion of losing weight or maintaining going without a real "break"
What are your 2014 plans when it comes to your weight loss and your health and fitness, both for yourselves and your friends here on the forum?
I was just replying to another Christmas club member about how losing a bit more by Christmas would be a great start for 2014 and that inspired this post.
I wonder what all your goals are for 2014.. I mean the whole year. Most people have been here for a good 6 months or more and it seems it does take people a year or more often to get to the weight they want to be add (I had a post somewhere that predicted a 10% of your target loss every month, and strangely for me if i averaged out my losses since April, its about that)
I am predicting that most that have been here for a while will have reached not some mini goal but your ultimate goal and be joining the "priveleged" maintenance group. I shall be one of them for sure! Perhaps not till March or April as the last 2 kilos might be slow to shift but i will be there
And i think most of us will stick around here too. Which is so good.
I know most people dont think about new year plans till after Christmas but im scared people might go off on holidays or something and need to think and plan ahead of time. If you are in the Christmas club I guess you want to keep the spirit and passion of losing weight or maintaining going without a real "break"
What are your 2014 plans when it comes to your weight loss and your health and fitness, both for yourselves and your friends here on the forum?