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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 09:49
Does anyone else think that there should be 5:2 meeting groups?? I currently go to WW meetings purely for the weigh-ins. I think it would be great if other fasters could meet once a week to get weighed, have general chat and support, share recipes etc..
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 09:59
Would be great, but in reality how is it possible? We are truly multi national now and even though most of us are uk based we are the length and breadth of this not so tiny island. What would be great is a SEMINAR once a year. How about that ladies and gents? That would be AMAZING!! I vote we start organising now for some time next year. :like: :like: :like: Btw I nominate Stirling as the venue....gateway to the highlands and all that, a stones throw from the castle, and I have a huge rickety house which could easily accommodate lots of you!! now, who can we get who is daf....erm I mean clever enough to organise it?
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 10:39
I like Dhana's idea of a seminar. I am too lazy/busy to attend weekly meetings but I would be interested in a seminar. Scotland sounds lovely to me :)
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 10:47
Dhana, what a great idea! I would find weekly meetings terribly depressing to be honest, but that's personal of course. I'd love to visit Scotland again, but any other place in Europe would be ok as far as I'm concerned.
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 10:53
Don't get me wrong, I am just being brutally honest, I don't get the need of meetings. I once went to a WW one because I was curious and I found it ridiculous.
Why does someone need others to push them to continue dieting? Why does one need another person to weigh them?
I would happily meet with all of you guys but I wouldn't talk diet stuff with you!!! I would talk food and life and wine and holidays and the fun things in life!!!
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 10:58
I go to WW too, I've been a member almost 3 years but switched to 5:2 as I was fed up of counting points after so long! I like the weekly meeting idea but WW, Slimming World and the like are companies with leaders and consultants who are employed to run the meetings, whereas there is no such organisation that "runs" 5:2 - it's just based on a book and a documentary, so I don't see how it could be set up. An informal meeting or seminar of some other sort would be fab though!
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 11:19
Sydney, Downunder Paradise of course!
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 11:25
I remember seminar being mentioned in a long ago post, shrouded in the mists of time now, but I think it may have been Caroline? When does she return from her hols? Hee! hee! can't think of anyone more perfect for the job.... :grin:
Talking of hols I haven't even packed my suitcase yet and I leave in the morning...did omeone say this forum is addictive? Oh, that's another thread..! :curse:
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 13:15
Sorry, I would never go anywhere just to be weighed! Ghastly idea. I don't weigh myself as it it. If I know I've lost weight I tend to slack and if I gain weight I comfort eat. So I stay away from the scales. On the other hand, I'd love to meet people for a natter. :smile:
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 15:57
TML, I assumed it was going to be lots of eating, drinking and wey hey, not TALKING about NOT doing those things, bum!!! :shock: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 17:31
One of the things I like best about this woe is that are no meetings, dues, or obligations. OTOH, if anyone is traveling through central NY state and would like to meet up for a chat with coffee and/or lunch, I'd be up for it!
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
30 Jul 2013, 18:00
Well, 5.2 is very different to all diets, in fact most of us don't consider it to be a diet at all, so the seminar/convention would not have a set of scales in sight, unless it was a cake (now there's an idea!) no, I feel motivated to try to get us together because when I met up with Nessie and janeg a while back we had such a good time! now imagine that times 100!!! We talked about all sorts and we laughed buckets. It would just be a meet up of people from all over, and it would be FUN!!! And the food would be out of this world! :wink: and there might be a little drinking involved too! I love our virtual world, but believe me the real one is even better!
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
31 Jul 2013, 00:36
Agree wholeheartedly with all this, dhana , and guess what,I nominate YOU to organise!! Would happily come up to Stirling and help out, handing round the SHORTBREAD, and TABLET, and all the other goodies we will be having, and the CASTLE would be just great ...

No need to weigh, or talk fasting or diets ...
It would be the NO WEIGH convention - aye right??
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Oooh where's she gone ...
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
31 Jul 2013, 01:26
Fasters on the run!
I would think a central position on the map that would make everyone happy, with good rail and air links. Maybe do a poll to see who wants to come and where they are so we can work the best venue. My thoughts are middle England but we have lots of European friends so maybe somewhere in Paris. I think we need a poll of who would go regardless of venue to give us an idea.
Re: 5:2 meeting groups!!
31 Jul 2013, 01:53
First and foremost we must be safe if we decided to have this meet up, if Moogie would be so kind to set up a separate room with a pass code to sort it all out but only let members she can trust as much as she can on this forum. Just don't want any Joe Bloggs that signed up the day before the get together gate crashing it would spoil the party also no one is knocking my beer over without a fight hahaha :smile:
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