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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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As many already said - they got it backwards.

But, IMHO the thing about that you can eat what you want to for 5 days isn't true. Yes, you can eat what you want to, but not as much as you want to. I read somewhere that you ought to reduce your calorie intake on these days to 2000 ckal for the method to work the way it should. I confess, I haven't exactly eating been following this and allowed myself some unhealthy products. I mean, you can't eat crips, chocolates, ice cream and drink wine on the same day as you eat a lovely dinner :wink:
But from now on I will honestly try to reduce my munchins to a minimum. Wish me luck LOL.
For me it is quite a bit lower than 2000 kcals. My TDEE is about 1500 cal per day.
They feed how many people with what they described ? No because even with my partner, we couldn't eat all that together. I mean, just for the sunday breakfast, 2 croissants, one pain au chocolat AND butter and jam ? Really ?

When I binge I eat, at the most, 1500 cal a day. If I have a big lunch, like on sundays when we go to my familly, I don't have a breakfast and eat a 150cal soup for dinner.

There isn't the name of the "journalist" on the article, could it be the woman who was here last week ? If it's her, she didn't understand a thing we told her...
Two big problems - conducted by a diet pill company and written by the Daily Fail. No real reason to say anymore!
jacksati wrote:
So it is possible to have a free for all at weekends and lose weight with 5:2 :smile:

And that's why I love it! And can stick to it ad infinitum
Having read that I have to confess I am a sub par binger. Hanging my Chooky head in shame. I'd explode if I ate that much!
My favourite thing is that there's a lot of coca-cola in there. I do confess to drinking wine and sometimes having fatty and/or takeaway foods, but even on days when I know I'm going to binge, I'm not wasting precious calories on sugar laden soft drinks!
The sample weekend binge they discribed! OMG! I could never have eaten that much in 3 days! If I have a blow-out it is for ONE meal and possibly that would be my only meal that day. Lol Now my nephew and his wife (they are both fitness trainers) can easily eat that much over a weekend but it's still not very likely. ;)
Just who are they basing that weekend on? There's no way I'd eat that sh!t and I'm a free for all girl on the weekends. And I know I used to like a drink but there's just no way I'd have the time to consume all that booze. Just reading it made me feel sick. :frown:
This is a great post. I don't know how many posts I've seen saying they do 5:2 really well during the week, have fun on the weekend, and then point out they are not losing weight as expected.

The average non-experienced calorie counter estimates they are eating 50% fewer calories than they actually are, and the average nutritionist underestimates calorie intake by 16%.

If 5:2 is not working for you, really count some calories for awhile and you will probably understand why.
What a rubbish study! Conducted by a company with a vested interest in disparaging a method that doesn't require anyone to buy anything, and using visitors to their website as the participants in the "study". Guess they never heard of random selection. Not to mention that they got the definition of 5:2 backwards.

Reminds me of political pundits a year ago predicting the results of the US election on the amount of energy that said pundits "felt" at political rallies. Pure bunk. :pissedoff: that any "news" outlet would publish this.
That article is crazy!
I couldn't eat all that even on Christmas day!

I'm sure they have just plucked that menu out of thin air and they haven't even got the 5.2 diet right!

I am one of those people who when I say I eat freely on the weekend it means I dont think about 5:2 and ,just eat comparatively healthily which might on one day eat about 2000 cal due to slice cake or bread. Generally am around TDEE.

Anyway so what, getting a life not always having restriction on ones mind ones habits around food is the beauty of this WOL.

Agree with you Mary Beth rubbish study
loversghost wrote: It's the Daily Mail - need I say more?!

That comment cracked me up :like: :grin: :lol:
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