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I've been really lucky in this regard. Long before starting IF, I had stopped eating much in the evening because having a full tummy disturbed my sleep. I guess I'm used to not having much at that time, so it doesn't keep me awake usually. Mind you, I don't feel ravenously hungry.
Silverdarling wrote: @Jo05 - there is nothing worse than going to bed hungry on a fast day. It's the quickest way of derailing your fast, as you lie there unable to sleep. And end up tired as well as hungry (or getting the midnight munchies :shock: ) Endorse all the very practical suggestions made above - the important thing is to make yourself comfortable enough to get off to sleep - experiment and find what's right for you here ...

It's a lot easier to deal with hunger pangs in the day time ... Keep busy / drink a glass of water / distract yourself by doing something else / clean the house! /car! / exercise, whatever :wink: usually the hunger pangs last only 20- 30mins, and then you've forgotten them, or are on to the next thing. But hunger pangs at night are not so accommodating - 30mins lying in bed can seem an age ...

What's wrong with hunger? Nothing. But tell that to a growling stomach at 11pm at night. This WoE is about learning to work with and listen to your body - not ruling it, or dominating it into submission. The secret is - there are no secrets! And no absolutes or holy grails either. Don't be afraid to experiment or be pragmatic - be flexible, open-minded and accommodating, and don't beat yourself up about the odd 'blip' or mistake. You will be rewarded with growing self knowledge, confidence and the resources to deal practically with the everyday issues and small challenges that this WoE throws up. Wishing you luck and come back here if the call of the Midnight Munchies gets too strong ... :wink: :shock: :clover:

(PS loving your strapline by the way :like: :cool: :wink: )

Hello @Silverdarling,

I'm holding tightly onto these pieces of wisdom given here on the forum, and yours is carefully added to my survival kit. Thank you so much.
I really respond to pragmatism, and rules also help me along the way. I will come on here and talk on the forum should I be lost tonight or found wondering near the kitchen at midnight :). :dazed:
Goodness me I'm having so many close calls today during this fast. It feels like I'm looking for the exit. I like that you remind me if I should go for an exit its not a sign of failure its just adding to my experiment and self discovery.
I'm in a better mood right now for facing the post dinner fast, having my hot choc and early to bed ideas.
Phew - glad I shared this problem - I was actually not going to as i felt embarrassed.
Once again thanks for your help. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :clover: :cool:
Betsysgr8 wrote: In the beginning I would experience some hunger before bedtime, my solution, was 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese or a small bit of cheese (weighed so as to not get carried away, lol) or sometimes a cup of bouillon would tide me over til I slept.

Thanks Betsy - I might try the bouillon or cottage cheese if the hot choc doesn't do it. thanks so much :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I'm another one who can't bear going to bed hungry. So I save all my calories for the evening. I try to save about 150 for a last minute snack right before bed, and the rest I eat for dinner at about 6pm. Bouillon is a lifesaver!!
Tracieknits wrote: I'm another one who can't bear going to bed hungry. So I save all my calories for the evening. I try to save about 150 for a last minute snack right before bed, and the rest I eat for dinner at about 6pm. Bouillon is a lifesaver!!

Thanks Tracey!
I will try and save about 150 for just before bed. That's helpful. I felt so stranded last time with NO cals left and just bed to face...
Jo :heart: :heart: :clover: :clover:
I'm fortunate in that this isn't a problem for me
BUT can understand how difficult it can make things and derail good intentions.
I think that over time it is something that will decrease and become much less of an issue.
The hints and tips given are all good. Anything dairy (milk, cottage cheese etc) has the added benefit of having L-tryptophan as an ingredient and this does aid rest and sleep. We certainly used to use L-tryptophan tablets in hospital as an aid to sleep . Apparently the same can be found in a warm milky drink and a banana. Not ideal for a fast day though as the calorie count is a bit on the high side.
Hope it passes soon and you get a good nights sleep
I usually just try to ignore hunger pangs at bedtime on a fasting day as I know that I am never hungry when I wake up the next morning. However last night I was very hungry and had one hazelnut just before I went to bed which was surprisingly satisfying. I then slept all night which is unusual for me.
I confess I really don't like drinking chocolate/cocoa and the low fat version tastes even worse to me!

I spread my cals between lunch and evening, so having had just a soup at about 6 or 7pm, by bedtime I am hungry, but I've taken to having a cup of tea - I know it's counter-intuitive, caffeine etc, but it works for me. Last night I had a very small clementine as well :shock:

Actually the problem in our house is more with my OH - he's also fasting, and he's been known to have a bowl of cereal at 2am when he's hungry and can't sleep. Plus if he tosses and turns all night it wakes me up, and neither of us can sleep, so I encouraged him to have a hot chocolate before bed and that has helped!

The other thing that helps me is having done some exercise on a fast day. Oh, and doing sudoku in bed until your eyes close!

Good luck - I'm sure you'll find what works for you :clover: :heart:
I feel quite smug when I go to bed hungry. I just sigh and think "my work here is done". In the morning I tuck into to something delish...but a lot smaller than I thought it would be the night before!!

Bean :starving:
I feel quite smug when I go to bed hungry. I just sigh and think "my work here is done". In the morning I tuck into to something delish...but a lot smaller than I thought it would be the night before!!

Bean :starving:
Hi there

I had this problem last night - I had a 3 egg frittata (no carbs!) at about 7pm and was fine. Was pretty hungry when I got in bed but as I was absolutely wired and not tired at all it just got worse & worse. I was freezing cold too which didn't help and really didn't want to move about too much in case I woke hubby as neither of us had a good night's sleep on sunday night (but he's not as good as coping with it as me!). I ended up getting up at 1/4 to 1 and getting a hot water bottle and a couple of thin oatcakes (the nairns fine ones are 35 cals each) which helped.

Now I agree there is nothing wrong with feeling hunger and knowing that you are doing your body good with the fasts, but as others have said, to lie there not being able to sleep as you're so hungry is not going to do anyone any favours. 2 oatcakes is all it takes to just the edge off it enough for me to sleep and 70 cals is not going to ruin my fast day, even if it's over my 500 (and I don't count anyway so how do I know?). This is supposed to be enjoyable and sustainable not miserable.

I know many folks swear buy not having any starchy foods like pasta, rice, potatoes etc on a fast day, but I have heard evidence that they contain something (serotonin? melatonin?) that is supposed to aid sleep. Being an occasional insomniac, I find fasting actually makes me more wired and sleepless (until I actually get off to sleep), so maybe there's something in this?

Good luck!
GO TO SLEEP.....sorry, not being facetious, I am now able to ignore hunger pangs and to be honest, like nuresy I like that feeling.
The only thing I do is save a few cals for a hot drink in the Eve. If the tummy rummbles too loudly I turn on my side, haven't a clue why, but it seems to stop it.
Sorry about that! It wasn't THAT interesting so I don't know why my message came out twice!

Bean :bugeyes:
If only it was as simple as just 'going to sleep' carieoates! I can ignore hunger pangs up to a point but sometimes sleep just isn't going to happen in case I've had something. And I'm not going to lie awake wondering why I can't sleep when I know getting up and having something small will help - whether its psychological or real, at 1.30am I don't really care!
Would reading help? If so, I know of a great tome called The Luminaries. That might help send you to sleep

Bean :sleepy:
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