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I was thinking this morning that I seemed to be less hungry when I kept the carbs down, and even healthy carbs like brown rice and whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, etc. really give me the hungries. Does this happen to anyone else?

Anyone doing low carb along with 5:2? How's it going? Thanks.
Yes! Loads of us are! Me, FatDog, Miffy, rawKaren to name but a few. it's the logical thing to do since it also results in lower insulin levels and hence better fat burning!

Lots of info in the 5:2 lab about the effects of carbs on the body.
You will still crash and burn on 'healthy' carbs unfortunately.

I log everything on MyFitnessPal and never try to go over 100 on the carb column (I assume that's grams although could be wrong).
As an apple shape I think I benefit with going lower carb. Although I'm sure low carbs is under 50g a day.

Lil :heart:
i`m also trying this approach for all the reasons given above. Have tried myfitnesspal but can`t get on with it, especially the way it tells you off when it thinks you haven`t eaten enough on a particular day. I find doing things the old fashioned way easier and quicker. It`s probably an aage thing.
Did my first proper fast day since I returned from visiting my son and delighted with the results. I am blaming my bad spelling on age, ie computer illiteracy. Also trying to post in the middle of night when I can`t sleep. Off to reward myself with an option hot chocolate. Feeling good. I think low carb high protein is the way for me. Still don`t really know what alcohol counts as, and it seems that myFitnessPal is a bit undecided too. What do you think
Hi. I'm a low carber, hovering around 100g to 115g of carbs a day but I'm thinking of dropping it again to around 75g as my weight loss has slowed just lately. I eat a fair amount of fat (around 55g a day), mostly in the form of butter, coconut oil and olive oil), and my protein level is modest at around 30g to 40g a day). I eat fruit because I enjoy it but not in huge quantities. I also still drink alcohol although it is processed as sugar and it plays havoc with weight loss. Everytime I drink I regret it as it stalls my progress. So my diet is mostly large quantities of low carb veggies, meat or fish, nuts and fat. I don't eat too much cheese as I like it too much and its easy to overeat...... I gave up sugar completely when I started 5:2.

Overall my appetite seems to be more contained without carbs. If I hit the complex carbs (grains etc), as I did last weekend, it seems to trigger the sugar monster and I end up really, really hungry. :shock: :shock:
I am also combining Low Carbs and doing 5:2. I have been inspired by Fat Dog and RawKaren. I am still a meat eater but getting more Veggie by the day!
Re carbs in alcohol:

I use CalorieCount. It says that a glass of red wine (6floz) has 4.6g carbs.

However, I found this more detailed review (no idea of the accuracy):
I swapped to low-carb, high-fat a month ago and am still exactly at my maintenance weight, despite my calorie count going through the roof! As a runner I allow myself 75g of net carbs a day.
Me too (low carbing). I try and keep to around 70g a day (not that low compared to some, I know but compared to the 250g+ a day I was probably eating, then it's a big drop) - I have tried the less than 50g thing but I had absolutely no energy so this works for me - it doesn't feel like hard work and I eat better than I ever have. The weight loss has picked up too. I remember when I first thought about cutting carbs I was a confirmed breadaholic and the thought of even cutting to 150g a day seemed really difficult - but it's amazing that gradually I have now found the level that I eat at to be easy to do and I feel very well. Lots of useful tips on here too!
I am still trying to do this and keep below 100g but it tends to be more 150g, especially as we fall into Eating Season with mince pies, Christmas puddings and interesting cakes everywhere :bugeyes: :confused: :doh:

I thought I'd try sticking to the gluten-free versions as they are rarer and more expensive but ...

They still have LOTS of sugar :frown:
Rawkaren - I would dispute that alcohol is metabolized like sugar, it seems to be the other way round; the fructose component of sugar has to be metabolized like alcohol, in the liver, which is why Lustig is dead against sugar...

Also, alcohol carries a value of 7KCal per gram, sugar is less than 4KCal

I expect @Carorees will put me straight!
Hey I'm also low carb most days - I am aiming for 25gms a day but mostly I'm under around 50g's. I find I put up weight when I introducecarbs and I'm hungrier - my fast days don't go so well. I do splurge on a Sat/Sun for carbs but during the week I'm quite careful. All the current research is saying to stay away from the devil AKA carbs. Look at fatdogs blog for some carb replacements -she is inspirational. I've even tried and successfully completed a couple of her recipes and I'm an awful cook - no one eats my food. But today I will be having some brown bread rolls which have a total carb count of 12 thanks to fatdog
Mainly low carb, but often have some on weekends, not counting the grams. It definately makes fasting very stress free, since you're already adapted for fat burning. As I'm now in maintenance it seems to keep my weight pretty stable, and my body fat steadily going down.
I do low carb but as I am not counting on non-fast days I am not sure how low. I tend to say no to bread rolls, hardly eat any potatoes or pasta but still drink alcohol regularly, except on two fast days. I have burger muesli for breakfast, or porridge, but my portions are smaller. I only eat cake if they're good ones, same with chocolates, whereas I would have settled with lesser ones about three months ago. As of this morning I have reached my initial goal (but thanks to the Christmas club still 1.6kg to go) so feel I am doing what's right for me.
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