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Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 17:52
I'm in for awesome August. I'm hoping to reach maintenance at some point during August. :)
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 18:08
I'm in, I might not post much as I'm on maintenance atm but I'll be lurking in the background and popping in now and then to give as much support as I can. :smile:
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 21:24
I'm 8.4 lbs away from a healthy BMI. I've got travel/hols later in the month, and my weight loss has slowed a bit, but my goal is to be halfway there--4.2lbs lighter--by the end of Awesome August.
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 21:50
I would like to join you - but I don't want to lose any weight, at all! I reached my target of 147 lb on 7th July and have been on maintenance since then. I have yo-yo dieted for over forty years so maintenance is obviously my biggest challenge! I would llike to reach the end of August at my target weight plus or minus 2lb. My second challenge is to take up some sort of regular exercise - another thing which I have never yet managed!

Good luck to all of you with weight still to lose. Onwards and downwards! :smile:
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 21:58
I'm with the Awesome Augusteers!
I'm not far off my goal weight and am happy to go slowly- that's a good job as we keep having visitors (joy/curse of living near the sea!) and its just too hard to do only 500cals. I have managed occasional 1000 cal days with my MiL here at the moment so not too bad.
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 22:35
Good evening folks, I'd like to join as well. DS away for the next 4 weeks and would like him to say i'm a "yummy mummy". Gonna work hard to loose 5 lbs by end of August. Been inspired by this site. Can we do it, yes we can! :like:
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 22:41
Welcome to the forums!
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 22:49
I'd like to lose another 4lb by mid September, which would take me to about half a stone lost - and I'd like to reach first mini-goal of waist being 50% of height sometime in the month to come (only 1.5in to go ...)
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 22:50
I can keep my fingers crossed that August is the month I slip out of the Morbidly Obese range, instead of just my trousers. Its a big ask though at 9lb loss. I won't mind if its just half that, at the very least it is going down. I can anticipate September to be the month it should happen.
Re: *Awesome August*
31 Jul 2013, 23:54
I'm in too. I'm almost at goal but my waist is still just over 50% of my height :( On the plus side I bought a pair of size 10 trousers today, admittedly they're from Next and a bit on the generous size but still... It says 10 on the label :)
Re: *Awesome August*
01 Aug 2013, 10:49
I tried on a pair of 3/4 tailored linen trews this morning and was delighted to see I didn't look like an overblown muffin!
All positive reinforcement of my new WOE!
Re: *Awesome August*
03 Aug 2013, 21:15
Can I join again this month? Not likely to be posting much and I'm not sure it will be awesome in terms of weight loss for me. I'm just hoping to end up being the same at the end of the month as I am right now, as we are off on holiday for two weeks and we've decided not to try and fast whilst away. I do intend to skip breakfast quite a bit whilst away as I'm not too fussed about it since starting this WOE. We are likely to be eating out most nights, plus having a drink of two (I normally only have wine 3 nights a week and only a glass or two at that). So I might end up doing 14:10 most days.

Anyway, I have to say that seven months into this WOE I have lost 2 and a half stone and am down to a UK size fourteen, which I never thought I'd see again. I'm more than half way to my goal and although I'm still not slim, at least I won't be the fattest person on the beach. I've even bought a dress for the hols that is on the knee rather than down to the floor! This is our first holiday abroad in six years, so it will certainly be an awesome August in the sun for us!

Anyway, one more week of fasting before we go, so hopefully that will be another pound off before I get on that plane.
Re: *Awesome August*
06 Aug 2013, 18:08
Oh bum! I was too late for the August weigh in! As I've been on maintenance on and off for the past month I lost just 1 lb in weight and half an inch off my waist so probably wouldn't have made too much difference. I didn't do it yesterday as it was a fast day and I don't weigh until the following morning - and this morning the 'August Weigh In' was closed. :cry: :shock: :frown: :cry:
Re: *Awesome August*
07 Aug 2013, 10:42
I've just been for an hour's brisk walk and I'm feeling good. :like:

Six months ago it was as much as I could do to have a ten minute leisurely stroll with the dog, now I feel as fit as she is!

Good luck everyone, I hope Awesome August takes nearer to your goal.

:clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: *Awesome August*
07 Aug 2013, 13:15
Thank you coffeetime for reminding me to look at where I was 6 months ago. I was busting out of my size 16 jeans and worried that I'd have to buy size 18's, now I'm easily in my size 14's. :) Soon my fitbit will arrive and I'll get the weight to start shifting again. :)
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