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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Back and Fasting In Secret!
16 Jan 2014, 17:03
Hi everyone. I'm back after about a 6 month break from 5:2. Had lost about 12 pounds total and kept about 8 of that off until the holidays and now I'm about 5 pounds down from my heaviest but got back on the wagon this week. Have decided not to weigh in until end of the month. The ups and downs on the scale make me an obsessed freak and I either get really discouraged and give up or think "I don't have to worry about it, I lost 2 pounds this week" and cheat! Better I not know and have a goal in mind for end of the month which is for my weight to be in the 180s. Even if it's 189.9!

I've joined my coworkers in a healthy eating/habit plan for the month but haven't told them about the fasting. I was very vocal about it before but got so much negative feedback that I decided to just keep it to myself this time. Only my husband knows :)

Will try to check in a few times per week to encourage and support everyone and will post my own progress at end of the month!
Re: Back and Fasting In Secret!
16 Jan 2014, 17:17
Hi Pumisimo and welcome back to 5.2!

Wishing you all the best , am sure you know what to do lol, so happy fasting :-)
Re: Back and Fasting In Secret!
16 Jan 2014, 17:18
Hi and well done on getting back into fasting! Why don't you sign up on Auriga'sthread and join in her Valentine's Day challenge so you can set yourself a realistic target? Best of luck anyway! :clover:
Re: Back and Fasting In Secret!
16 Jan 2014, 17:21
:heart: Hi @pumisimo And Welcome back :heart:
Well done on your return and admitting a regain you know exactly what needs to be done and as for the " undercover"
Well I'm with you on that one after 9 months only a handful of people know exactly what I'm doing, there is so much hostility towards fasting so if no one asks I don't
go into detail.
Best of luck come on we can do this together. :clover: :clover:
Re: Back and Fasting In Secret!
16 Jan 2014, 17:21
Hi again Pumisimo & well done for getting back on the wagon! It's great you got back on board while you're still below your previous starting weight and I'm sure you'll shift that extra again in no time.

What a shame that your co-workers are so negative about fasting. I'd like to think that by the end of the year this way of eating will be far more mainstream and acceptable, worldwide. Then they'll be the ones starting out next new year when you already have your fab new shape to show off to them and tell them "I told you so!" ;)
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