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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Bit of a small hooray
15 Nov 2013, 12:52
Before I went to Houston my weight had kind of stagnated and while there I didn't fast and when I came home, I had no urge to fast on Thursday (last week). But on Monday (since I was not hungry) I fasted and yesterday I fasted - only water until dinnertime both days. Yesterday I ate 3 small meatballs, ca 1dl stomped potatoes and actually - some glasses of wine since we had the longest conversation at the dining room table The DH and me.

So this morning I went on the scale and could hardly believe my eyes - 66.8kg, that is like 1.5kg less than last week and the lowest I have weighted on like forever. :shock: Did the measuring and the butt is still the same, but the abdomen and thigh have shrunk (see how cleverly I step over the lost loose hurdle LOL). In fact, since I started to measure the abdomen (lower waist?) at least 10cm is gone :shock: :shock: :shock:

So I wonder if it can be o that when your weight stagnate, you would benefit from eating normally for a short while, then go back at fasting and your body burners get a new kick start?

One thing for sure is - I will be here for a loooooong time
Re: Bit of a small hooray
15 Nov 2013, 13:28
Well done Wolfie!!

You're not the first person I've heard say that they have started losing again after a bit of a break, though that hasn't worked for me recently :(
Re: Bit of a small hooray
15 Nov 2013, 13:50
Well done wolfie. It's good to know, sometimes a little break does us good.
Good luck as you continue :)
Re: Bit of a small hooray
15 Nov 2013, 13:59
Yes, I really think you're right...the body needs a bit of time off from the stress of fasting occasionally. Although 5 'feast' days a week should be enough, it seems that sometimes, a longer holiday is needed. I've certainly noticed it.
Re: Bit of a small hooray
15 Nov 2013, 15:29
Congrats Wolfie!

way to go :-)
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