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Re: Butter or Margerine?
24 Jan 2015, 18:45
Like @Wildmissus I'm a fan of Kerrygold. I don't eat a lot of bread but I do like a dollop on my steamed veg with lots of black pepper. I'm pretty good at measuring 10g now :)
Re: Butter or Margerine?
24 Jan 2015, 19:39
GP told me butter! It's got less additives and you need less as its a nicer flavour! X
Re: Butter or Margerine?
24 Jan 2015, 20:53
What about Lurpak Spreadable? Mmmmmm
Re: Butter or Margerine?
24 Jan 2015, 23:10
Just get a butter dish, leave the butter in it = no worries about spreading. In winter when the kitchen is cold my butter dish lives near the radiator :like:
Re: Butter or Margerine?
24 Jan 2015, 23:57
Butter or pretend butter? Easy. Butter.
Re: Butter or Margerine?
25 Jan 2015, 09:30
Butter......not much and not often....but butter. It tastes good and isn't full of c..p :like:
Re: Butter or Margerine?
25 Jan 2015, 10:16
Butter! I would rather have a "dry" sandwich than eat any kind of spread

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Butter or Margerine?
25 Jan 2015, 10:32
Butter and Olive Oil are the fats I use.
Margarine has the wrong kind of industrially ruined fat molecules that are very bad for the body - trans fats. Butter is a natural product, contains healthy nutrients. I've read that it is not even so fattening. I hardly eat any bread, but when I do It is butter on.
We keep regular butter at a room temperature and fresh by the following method.
Take a small pottery or other bowl and press it full of butter.
Take a bigger pottery or other bowl and fill it with cold water 3/4 full or so.
Now place the smaller butter bowl upside down into the bigger bowl. So that its opening is covered with water.
We keep this on our kitchen window sill, by the dinner table. Except in very hot weather in the cool cupboard.
Never rancid, always easy to spread. A little hard to fish out of the water bowl, but with practice it goes well. :smile:
Re: Butter or Margerine?
26 Jan 2015, 09:09
When I was young my mother cooked with margerine and I hated that taste. When I began to live on my own I began to cook with olive oil and never looked back

To eat raw I eat a good quality butter, made in a farm. As it's good stuff there's only need to put just a little bit and the nutty taste is incredible :heart:
Re: Butter or Margerine?
26 Jan 2015, 13:28
Margarine, despite the fact that I know all the arguments why butter is better! Growing up we only ever had margarine at home because my parents generation were told it was healthier. So now, despite knowing that margarine is full of rubbish, I find the taste of butter far too strong and unpleasant! At a push I can deal with a small amount of unsalted butter, but salted butter is so alien to my tastebuds :frown:
I might give one of the spreadables like Lurpak a go, perhaps that would be a good halfway house to help my palate adjust!
Re: Butter or Margerine?
26 Jan 2015, 13:35
the butter thread from circa mid 2013..


answer for me... wont touch margerine. isnt it made of petroleum or something? definitely something artificial and bad for you.
and it doesnt taste like butter and tastes like bad oil tainted with petroleum
Re: Butter or Margerine?
26 Jan 2015, 14:23
fancyacuppa wrote: Margarine, despite the fact that I know all the arguments why butter is better! Growing up we only ever had margarine at home because my parents generation were told it was healthier. So now, despite knowing that margarine is full of rubbish, I find the taste of butter far too strong and unpleasant! At a push I can deal with a small amount of unsalted butter, but salted butter is so alien to my tastebuds :frown:
I might give one of the spreadables like Lurpak a go, perhaps that would be a good halfway house to help my palate adjust!

Interesting how the tastes of our childhood carry on into adulthood. I think in your situation I would go for no spread at all rather than have margarine!
Re: Butter or Margerine?
26 Jan 2015, 17:57
Well, I've bought my butter and I already had cold-pressed oil seed rape oil so, as soon as the butter is soft enough to whip, I am ready to try my great spreadable butter experiment following the advice of @Ssure! Watch this space! :smile:
Re: Butter or Margerine?
26 Jan 2015, 23:54
Butter for me no question.
Re: Butter or Margerine?
27 Jan 2015, 01:21
Boter, beurre, mantequilla, butter everywhere, please. I did read somewhere that margarine is only one ingredient away from something like paint, that they had a load of it left over once and thought it would do as food.
Not biased in any way.
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