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coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 12:10
How are you people loosing inches around your waist? I have read about this coconut oil and some said that if you eat this daily you will loose inches around your waist? Have you tried? And if so.. how much are you "eating"?

I have tried a little bit, but to take 2 tablespoon EACH day is too much for me I think - and too much calories too ..

So good advices would be helpful,about getting a little smaller around my waist ( not only exercise :razz: ) - please and thanks a lot :like: :smile: .

Pia :heart:
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 12:20
Hi pist1958, there's no way I could 'eat' 2 tbs of coconut oil either but since changing my WOE from my previous low fat diet I have started to use coconut oil and other 'good' fats and reduce my carb intake at the same time and have lost 2 cms off my waist in a couple of weeks. I would generally use 1 tsp of coconut oil when making an omelette or a stir fry just for myself. I know @rawkaren and others use it in coffee but I haven't tried that yet. Hope that helps! Worth a try anyway. :like:
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 13:17
Thanks Callyanna ... If I understand it right you are using 1 teaspoon per day? I have tried it in coffee, maybe I put too much, but it was so oily that I couldn't drink it ... yarrrrrkkkk :razz: .. I am eating oatmeal-porridge in the morning, maybe I can put one little spoon in that...

And yes you are right - it is worth a try for sure :like: :smile:
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 13:22
I am not one to jump on bandwagons for all the fads of "eat this miracle food and magically lose weight!" I bought some coconut oil because a dear friend convinced me it's the best tasting topping for popcorn ever. I thought it was disgusting. I have tried using it in place of other fats when cooking - but I just can't get over the strong flavor. I don't mind strong flavored fat, but not this flavor! So now, I use it occasionally as a hair conditioner, or as a skin moisturizer for my legs. It's nice to shave my legs with too.

As for eating it - I gave up.
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 13:26
Well, I have also read that helps but as I only put it on my hair now it is unlikely that my waist will shrink. :lol: Nothing I do, except lose weight, helps so I will just have to lump my lumpy waist :frown: like Tracey I am not keen on the flavour which is odd as I love coconut :?: but there you are, odd or what?

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 14:01
I think I'm coconut oils number 1 fan. I've been using it daily since last xmas. I'm not sure about the waist thing as I didn't measure before starting using it. Even if it does reduce waist size, it could only do so much, weight loss and exercise is the answer there. I use it for the other health benefits and to keep my DD health condition under control. We love it and eat it daily, as homemade coconut oil chocolate and cereal bars. I put it in curries but don't like it for roasting or frying. I've also never tried RawKarens bulletproof coffee, I don't think I could stomach it. I'm 99.9% sure it's curing my daughters condition were antibiotics have failed. There are many reasons to be using coconut oil but I think reducing waist size is one of the lesser ones. I love the stuff.
Dee :)
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 14:10
I do the coconut oil in coffee, it's ideal before a workout.

Sorry Pist, no such thing as spot reduction...
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 14:13
I did the bulletproof coffee for quite a while, loved it, but no help with regard to my waist. The strength of the flavor of your coconut oil greatly depends on the brand as well as how it was processed. I get one from Costco and it has virtually no flavor, and so I use it in all of my cooking as it has a very high smoke point.

For my waist, besides the obvious (lose weight), mine seems to be smaller when I am eating fewer carbs and/or I keep my inflammation and fluid retention down by drinking lots of fluids.
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 14:16
I lick it off my fingers when I'm oiling my skin. I may even be persuaded to use it in cake making (I bet coconut cakes are brill), but only once I have my carb craving monster back under control. My son used it with the homemade coconut chocolate, but he used so much I had to stop him making it. It was cheaper to send him down the shops for a bar of chocolate.
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 14:59
I really don't like it when it is too oily to eat... so I have a bit of a problem here :razz: .. if not for the waist I guess there are still other good health reasons to use/take it anyway :smile: .

Thanks :like:
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 17:46
I use the flavorless coconut oil (KTC) in cooking. I use half coconut, half butter in cakes; I make homemade granola with it, I fry foods with it, use a little in mayonnaise with olive oil. I also have the virgin coconut oil that does taste of coconut that I use in stir fries and sometimes in cakes if I want coconut flavour, and on my hair, skin etc.

I think the best way to reduce your waist is fasting and/or low carbing. It seems that high insulin levels favour fat storage in the abdomen. The best way to reduce insulin levels is to go long periods with no carb fasting does that, so does avoiding carbs. However, some people seem to have more resistant waistlines than others!
Re: coconut oil and waist
09 Nov 2013, 20:03
Hmm. I don't know. Have always been a pear. In one way a blessing because I'm budging under a 27 inch waist and scraping into a large size 8, but hips are stubbornly at a 12. annoying. I eat about a tablespoon of coconut oil a day.
Re: coconut oil and waist
10 Nov 2013, 08:02
I have 2 tablespoons a day, apart from fast days. I wouldn't know if my waist inch loss is down to that or general weight loss though. :?:
Re: coconut oil and waist
10 Nov 2013, 08:37
Caroline wrote"..................................."a resistant waistline" :shock:

Only I could have a waist with attitude :curse: :pissedoff: :curse:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: coconut oil and waist
10 Nov 2013, 08:58
I found it on the supermarket shelves yesterday but the high calories put me off from buying it. Now that I am reading threads it seems worthwhile to try anyway although it still sounds like a fad?
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