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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I like it, I like the feeling of not bothering to cook :wink: I like the feeling after liquid fasting. I do 4:3 so when I finally reach maintenance I will probably do 1 liquid fast and fast one day but eat more in the evening than I do now. This has to be a way of life for me, I have never stuck to an eating plan for this long! It has had other benefits, on feed days I don't want to pig out and eat cr*p. I think about it (I'm no angel and do eat chocolate etc!) and if I really want it then I have it!
I can't say I like fasting, but I think it suits my personality. As an "all or nothing" type of person, I like the simplicity of planning in advance what I can have for my 500 cals and knowing that's it.

I'm doing 4:3 for now, to allow for my tendency to overindulge on feed days. So it's either a diet day or it's not, and I eat accordingly and it's working. I haven't too much to lose, so when I get there I'll switch to 5:2 which will hopefully allow me to maintain long term :smile:
Well as to the health benefits, the studies that I can find seem to show improvements in health for the following types of fasts: 500/600 cals ADF, eating between 12 & 2pm - Krista Varady. 5:2 with consecutive days on 500/600 cals, then Mediterranean diet for the 5 days (Harvie & Howell). The other trials seem to all be ADF or Prof Longo's 4 days of real fasting, that needs to be repeated at least monthly. No doubt there are health benefits where there is 12 hours between eating on ADF. This all leads to other thoughts in my mind. Is the real health issue just being overweight or obese? Are there really 'bad' foods as we have been taught or does it boil down to the 'bad' foods making you fat and there-in lies the health problem. So if one kept the weight off but still ate 'bad' foods is that OK or will it still lead to health problems. Personally I see the short term problems of eating 'bad' food eg eat a huge load of sugar and you can feel extremely tired after it. But if Varady's studies are right, her obese patients ate what they liked (I'm sure there were lots of 'bad' foods in there)alternative days and their bloods were good, they lost weight and they lost fat. So I think that it's early days yet in regards to studies on humans, I think this will end up being a fad weight-loss diet for many and perhaps for those who stick to IF there may well be health benefits in the end. I will watch with interest.
Thank you GMH :like: Yes that could have been posted by me also
15 weeks in and Love this WOL as much as day one, I'm not very hungry on fast days as I've found a method that suits me, I'm totally amazed by the amount I've lost in that time 2 stone But it truly looks and feels closer to 3 as today's shopping trip proved I've bought 3 sizes down
I've been doing 4:3 and I could do this for life if it meant losing + keeping the weight off because to me it's no hardship and I love doing it.
So my answer is a definite LIKE :heart: :heart: :heart: Sue
I like fasting as an afterthought on a feed day, but come fast day, I dont like it. Makes a lot of sense not. I like the idea and reasons but the enduring but is not nice. Its getting easier.
I miss eating on fast days. I'm not really hungry but I miss the whole process of eating. I will however keep doing this, I'm hoping that I will always fast as it's the only way I can see to keep my weight off. If I get other health benefits then that's good too. Hubby is happy with it too and will keep fasting with me so that will make it easier.
Do others find they get hungrier if they excercise on fast days?
I have always swum my laps on fast days just because it suits, but on the occasions I've changed the day I am finding the fast easier and I don't get very hungry.
I'm so envious of people who say they don't have to cook on fast days and can forget about food for the day.
Neither my husband or daughter are doing 5:2 so I still need to cook dinner for them on fast days.As time goes on I'm trying more and more to have a pre-cooked meal for them- today I've made a big beef casserole for tonight and tomorrow again for them. Maybe risoni with it tonight and mashed potato for them tomorrow?
I'm sure I'm not alone in this situation- just having a mini rant!
Even the mornings when I wake up on a fast day thinking "oh do I really have to fast today?" I tell myself that it is only one day and I can do anything for just one day. By the end of the day I am glad that I did fast as my energy is high and emotionally I feel well.

I am nearly six months into fasting and I remember when I started within the first week of fasting the inflammation that I suffer dropped maybe 90% and I wasn't using any meds. So for that alone, not having to use anti inflammatory drugs I am over the moon.

I love cooking so I still cook on a fast day e.g. stir fry or something simple and only 300-500cals for my one meal of the day.

For me I love eating much more than I love fasting but to be able to eat (within reason) what I want I am going to have to fast. I have to give something to get something so long term for me it will be worth it to continue.
I find Monday fasts relatively easy but struggle a little on Thursdays which is when I tend to get grumpier at around 4 o'clock. I cannot wait beyond 6pm to eat. I wouldn't say I enjoy them particularly but I don't hate them either. What I would hate though is having to start again, the early weeks were horrible.

I'm nearly 6 months in and see no reason to stop particularly as I've reached my first goal and my new one is in my sights. I would like to see a day when I can fast just once a week but I think I'll have to be mindful about the other days as I really don't ever want to see the weight go back on.
I much prefer fast days to eating days as they are much less hassle especially as I now do liquid fasting. I think it's because I still don't know how to eat properly on my non fast days.

It's getting better but I have a tendency to binge and once my hunger switch is tuned on, it is hard to turn off.

As I hit maintenance, I intend to keep up with fasting for the health benefits and also because I like the way my body feels after a fast.
kencc wrote:
On the health benefits side of things I tend to doubt that the sort of 'semi-fasting' employed with 5:2 will produce the sort of similar health benefits achieved by the type of 'true' fasting undertaken in the studies. However, undoubtedly, maintaining a BMI of below 24 would be of significant benefit on its own and staying at a BMI of 20/21 is even better.

Oh thats not happy news as i was hopeful that it was beneficial. Semi fasting must be better than no fasting at all.

and I like GMH response later on as to positive benefits. I guess IF hasnt had enough long term studies to really know yet so give it a few decades. and hopefully most of us will still be kicking, due to the age longevity benefits of our "sacrifice" 2 or 3 days a week. In 20 years im still below the "average" life span of a woman so here's hoping.
I'm only at my 6th fast day today, so not sure if I'm qualified yet to answer this as far as long term feelings, but so far I'm liking my fast days. It's like a personal challenge to get thru the day. By evening the hunger is a bit gnawing, but the fact that it's just getting thru that 1 day at a time, and I can wake up and not have to think 'diet' for a few days is a very powerful motivator.

I'm hoping to stay with this and see if it's the answer I've been searching for my whole adult life
Doing this more than 3 months now and finding the fasting days easy. Don't feel overly hungry and starting to find it all a bit boring but it has become a WOL and until I reach my undefined goal....probably another half stone will definitely stick at it. Best diet for me.....ever!!
I don't mind the fast days and if I've eaten out the day before or had a big meal I actually quite like to have a fast day as I feel it resets things and I feel better for it. I'm not sure about maintenance, someone I know says she's found it hard to do 6:1 instead of 5:2 and indeed is still doing 5:2 even though she's reached her goal, thinks she's probably just upped her allowance on the two fast days slightly from 500 to 800. Will be happ to reach my target so I can try it myself ?!!!
I have always had tiredness on religious fast days (extreme coldness when I was younger), but I knew I could do it. Don't particularly love or hate it, just have to live with the tiredness. I am 4 months in and, in just the last couple of weeks, it seems the tiredness has lessened. So maybe my body is learning to deal with it better. I am thinking I will up my calories on my fast days for maintenance and see how that goes. But first I have to get through vacation! :lol:
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