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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I really don't mind the fasting - I have my 500cals in the evening because I find it easier to do it that way - it feels less like a 'diet' and I just know now that Mon and Weds I don't eat till the evening when I get home. I have no problems with energy levels or grumpiness etc, though as someone else said the fasting is harder if you're not busy - I fast on days when I'm at work where there is no food anyway. Just happy to have found this WOE after YEARS feeling deprived on diets. Wahey!
I didn't mind fasting when I was losing weight. It only took 8 weeks to get to goal so I've been on maintenance for over 4 months and the novelty of fasting is wearing off, although I still manage one a week. I couldn't do 2. I prefer eating when I'm hungry, eating healthily most of the time and if I do snack or eat a cake, I skip a meal. I don't eat carbs much either, which I think is helping in keeping my weight stable. I'm currently reading Brad Pilon's 'EatStopEat' in an attempt to get remotivated to fast for other health benefits, but as my main motivation in fasting was to lose weight, it isn't easy to get motivated now.
I would worry myself very much if I said that I like it. What's to like? I'm hungry, I can't eat what I want, I'm attached to Calorie King and the calculator and I find hard even getting up from the couch.

BUT... do I like the results of all that? Of course I do! It is a very easy way to lose weight as long as you find what works for you.

Will I continue fasting to maintain? If I have to, yes. If I don't have to, of course not! :-)
I enjoy my fast days as it seems to give me more time for other things. I dont need to prepare any fancy meals and whilst I like cooking it's good to get away from the kitchen from time to time. And im saving money on those days on reduced food consumption.

So plan to continue on 5:2 once goal weight reached. (only have 2.5kg to go)

Also does everyone forget that that IF is NOT just about the weight. Isnt IF about a longer life, better mental acuity etc. I posted a new thread about this yesterday too.

I think we are all obsessed by the weight thing and need to think about the other claimed benefits of intermittent fasting (assuming indeed that they are valid claims)

Thus, when you get to your goal weight think about the positive health aspects and DO NOT STOP FASTING just because youve got to your goal weight.

Don't you want a longer life? Dont you want to avoid early onset dementia?
Don't you want to avoid heart conditions and diabetes. ?
After almost five months on 5:2 I feel fasting has become a way of life for me. I enjoy the freedom of not needing to worry about food at all one day a week (one of my weekly fast days is liquids only) and can see myself doing that permanently. I'm hoping that doing 6:1 will be enough to maintain but I've still got a few kilos to go before I get there, so will have to wait and see. I do like how I feel on a fast day and have never felt hungry enough to even be tempted to give up on a fast. The potential health benefits are a big factor in keeping me motivated, and I'm hoping that will continue after I have reached my goal weight.
In the beginning I dreaded the fast day. Now, three months later I don't mind it at all.Fast days seem normal now and I feel better. It has become a routine.
I wouldn't say I love it, but neither do I hate it. I intend to keep it up until I reach athe top of my healthy bmi then swith to 6:1 or something similar to maintain.
I love it's results as I'm now a much fitter slimmer happier person, I can't say I love it once I'm on a fast day but I do look forward to them coming for the cleansing feeling they give me.

I can see me being on this for years. Even life.
I like fast days, I feel in control, and agree its great to have a day when the kitchen stays clean, and isn't all about food prep. And I love the feeling the next morning. So I'll definitely do one day a week liquid fasting when I'm maintaining, and possibly the odd 24 hour fast too, before a big night out.
I have liked it most of the time but just this week I have found it difficult. I wont be giving up and realise its just a blip. I hope I can keep this WOL even when I reach my goal. I know before now I have decided on previous diets that I was in it for life and once I reached my goal I struggled to maintain and then gave up. I hope I can keep this WOL going for ever.
I truly doubt that eating 500 per day twice a week will improve anything but my weight, since I don't actually fast. I have 2, 3, sometimes 4 or 5 meals on fast days and it is pretty clear to me that I do this just for weight loss.
I appreciate those who can do it with just one meal and perhaps this type of 5:2 might have some other benefits but they way I do it it is yet another calorie reducing diet which results to weight loss. When I reach my target weight, I see no point in continue doing so, except for maintenance. :-)

BTW, I cook even on fast days. I love cooking!
I love my Monday fast and will continue with it once I reach my goal, even when I had 2 weeks off I still didn't eat Monday till dinner time and had a big blow out then. I'm hoping that I can maintain with a Monday fast and break it with a normal dinner in the evening. Now Wednesday fast can be a bit hit and miss on the like meter, so I won't be sorry to say goodbye to that one. I don't eat breakfast so have a mini fast everyday. This way of eating has really been a eye opener and something I can do for life, if I can get to a size I have not been for 24 years and matain it then I don't think winning the lottery would make me happier then the feeling of finale being in control of my weight :smile:
I don't know if it's because I've just started and have only had 3 fast days but I really enjoy it. I'm not even really doing it to lose weight (althought 2 kgs off would be great to lose before my trip to Italy in a few weeks!). I just feel relly great when I do it. The first one was awful. The 2nd one ok, the 3rd went great and I look forward to my fasts now. I feel like my body is detoxofying. I obviously eat healthier those days and I like it. :like:
I also don't especially like it or dislike it. I just feel like I'm putting off what I'd like to eat, so time passes in between wanting something, and eating something... somehow that makes for less calories through time... so I'm playing with time and my mind or both.

I keep losing weight from what I can see in the mirror (still no scales - you will all know when I finally weigh myself!), today it looks like I have less shoulders - a place I didn't measure, but when I try on clothing, seems looser there than before! :victory:

It's been kind of a trip really. :bugeyes:
I sometimes like them and sometimes dislike them depending on my mood mostly, but sometimes I just get a hungry one and they're not much fun! I have been fasting since the beginning of January and the lifestyle seems to suit me and my personality! I intend to use it in some form for maintenance when I finally get there. I also like the idea that I am hopefully gaining some health benefits along the way! Fingers crossed
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