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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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debbiejgb I had extreme tiredness for the first 3 months or so - then I started sleeping extra...or going to bed a bit earlier and that seemed to fix it, tho I probably only have an extra 1/2 hour now - now feel full of energy, but back then I was completely wasted and wandered.
I agree although fairly new Nicky_94, neither love nor hate but hope to always do it if only for the health benefit, I dont think of it as a diet though,
I've been on 5:2 for 14 weeks. I have now got to a point where I enjoy fast days. I never thought I would say that, but it's true. I love the 'light' feeling it gives me. I love knowing that I am giving my system a well deserved rest! I will keep doing this when I reach my goal weight, this is a lifestyle choice for me now.
I feel empowered on fast days as though I have found a magic switch that stops my body wanting to eat. I still feel as though I am a sort of ongoing experiment & am still surprised my body tolerates not eating until my 500 cal supper time. I am still hoping there are health benefits & because of easily tolerating & enjoying the control of fast days I will do this forever as a way also of maintaining my new svelte figure when I get there :grin:
Please note I said when not if!!! :like:
Now the weather is warmer and I'm not freezing cold each fast day I'm generally quite happy. I've always enjoyed Thursdays more than Mondays, in contrast to most on the forum, so I'll probably keep that as a 500 cal day and, as I've been trying out 16:8 the last few weeks, do that daily. I've spent years forcing myself to eat breakfast because 'its good for you/you'll never lose weight if you don't' so I really enjoy 16:8. I've also found it stops me eating rubbish in the evening :) I feel so virtuous!
Oh, and as an added bonus my IBS symptoms have reduced so much I rarely take the meds I needed 2 or 3 times a day before :like: :like:
It is interesting to read everyones replies.

I agree with everyone that says they do not like the sensation of feeling hungry on fast days. It seems I have tried to dodge that sensation for most of my life. After almost 10 months, I don't think this is a good enough reason to dislike fasting because...

There are several spin offs from each fast: Losing weight, feeling better, better health, more energy, slimmer waist, better nooky. I also enjoy my food more. I used to eat mechanically, just eat! Now I really smell food and the same foods that I have always eaten seem to have more flavour. It is as if my senses had become blunted - food was just a habit that was making me fat.

Whilst disliking the sensation of hunger I enjoy the taste of my food more. Denial IS good for the soul. I am happy to continue with 5:2...
If fasting is the only dislike pill I have to swallow for better health, longer life, greater energy, better tasting food, and direct control over a bit of my life then I like it.
I like fasting, I feel it gives my body the well earned rest it needs from dealing with the junk I have fed it over the years. I don't mind feeling hungry, it's a passing few minutes. The positives far out weight the negatives for me. Portion control is sorted, I no longer eat until I'm stuffed and hurting. I no longer crave sugary sweets. My skin is so much better, my eczema is under control, in fact I only have one patch left. I have control over food and that for me is worth 10mins twice a week of feeling hungry :)
I love this WOE but if I'm honest when I wake up in the morning on a fast day I don't think Yippee.. its a fast day - more "O bother - no breakfast" :wink:

The feeling, when I wake up on the other five days, more than makes up for it though :-D
Interesting thread. If I'm completely honest, I must say that I don't like fasting that much. I do find it empowering how I can say no to food and temptations two days a week, but at the same time, I am frustrated by the fact that the weight loss is so slow (roughly 3.5 kg lost in 3 months). I keep fasting because I believe in it, I liked the book and the whole concept makes sense. I just don't enjoy feeling hungry even though I can easily cope with it now.
Some days I feel very hungry and a bit ill. More often I feel physically fine but get strange waves of despair and hopelessness. Anybody else feel this?
No byoung I do get more pain in my back on my fasting day which I find is weird and I am not the only one this happened to. I have never had your symptoms only spaced feeling on the morning after fast if I am going to following lunchtime.

Maybe worth a chat to someone about your feelings of despair and hopelessness. Your GP is a though as it doesn't hurt for them to know what you are doing especially if you want specific tests to see how you are going. It will be interesting if anyone else has same effects.
Thank you Gillymary for that suggestion. It had not occurred to me to talk to GP. The feeling is so brief that I think it might be physiological, perhaps due to lowish blood glucose for a short while. I do not generally feel hopeless and despairing. Suspect however GP might say if it makes me feel bad to stop doing it.
To be honest I quite like it.

It does have some down sids but that's to be expected.
BYoung just a little concerned for you. I have to say it is a very powerful effect on the body IF so I am intrigued as to what you said. Like what is it, where does it come from, maybe our nerdy people would know @PhilT only asking as so much good info has been collected is there a psychological or pathophysiological reason for BYoungs feelings as described. Though fleeting does low BSL do this? Hope you don't mind my asking
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