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Gosh i would rather poke sticks in my eyes than write my actual weight down in black and white for ,shock,horror!,everyone to see!
I lie every time ..except when working out TDEE! ;0)
Weight on a drivers licence seems totally bizarre! Do you have it in your passports too?

Then again, when I got my drivers licence in the late 80s in South Africa, it was in our ID book which also had a record of our fingerprints attached, gun licences (if any) and of course our "race". I'm pretty sure even now that they use the more common card for drivers licence, they still take fingerprints. That's even more invasive than weight.
Just checked. No, no weight on the passport. I guess my lying would have been a federal offense then. Ha! Prove that I didn't underestimate when I filled out the form! Oh, you have my photo...Ok the camera adds 10 lbs...What about the the other 10?....Well...give me a minute..What? You say the NSA know exactly what I weighed and when?
JM53 wrote: Just checked. No, no weight on the passport. I guess my lying would have been a federal offense then. Ha! Prove that I didn't underestimate when I filled out the form! Oh, you have my photo...Ok the camera adds 10 lbs...What about the the other 10?....Well...give me a minute..What? You say the NSA know exactly what I weighed and when?


Interesting how I never thought it was bizarre to have my weight on my driver's license till all these people in other places pointed it out, and now I have to admit it is kind of bizarre. Didn't hair color also used to be on them? Anyone remember? Maybe that varies by state.
I don't recall hair color being on them. Eye color yes. Looking at mine now. Hmm, one of my best pictures. I've got to try to mimic the pose to minimize my chins (yes, plural!) I see I listed my height as 5'3. I have been recorded as 5'2 forever but there was a period in 2009/2010 where they measured me as 5'3. Odd I thought. Most shrink as they age. Then I thought maybe my fat feet gave me that extra boost. Interesting results on the BMI chart.

On the other point, yes, it varies by state. Apparently a lot. Won't go there though. Hmmm...If it gets too weird here, what are your countries rules on asylum? (Ok, kind of tongue in cheek!)
Weight, height, eye color have 'always' been on the California DL.
Gosh a real dilemma. If we tell them our real weight, they will automatically "mentally" add 20 pounds. Yeah, I'll probably go with my "goal" weight if it is close to believeable:)
Thanks Linda!

This is the first actual answer to the weight issue!
"I'll probably go with my "goal" weight if it is close to believable:"

Any other opinions?
Sorry. LOL. After all that we didn't answer the whole question. I'll stick with as long as they don't laugh hysterically you're gold. ;) Yes, I'd put my goal weight if it was 20lbs less than the current. I have 40ish pounds to go yet; so I think that would be a stretch.
And I thought America was the land of the free. Such a personal piece of data to have made public. :shock: What are the consequences for not telling the truth? People laughing and saying "like hell you are lady" or do you get actually fined.?. Do the cops carry weigh scales with them to check when they pull you over on the side of the road purely for their own amusement. Lie like hell and see what reactions you get. :grin: Not surprised though given I always get pulled over to one of those special rooms in immigration every time I visit, so I guess I have an axe to grind :confused: :
Wow! Just about to change my licence from English to French. I have to provide a photo, no smile, no glasses, hair off face etc. it will look nothing like me as I have a fringe and always wear glasses! I have to declare my date of birth but if they wanted my weight I would give up driving! It used to keep me on track the few years I skied as had to be weighed for that.
I love hearing about all the differences.
Glad ours is just a photo and I am always asked to smile as I look like a member of the Lavender Hill Mob otherwise. It changes state to state too, so if I am moving around I can always find the state with the best photo! My UK one however is a study in diabolicalness (yes, I know it isn't a word, but it is how it looks to me!). I hoped no one would ever ask to look at it when I was there as I was sooo embarrassed!
There are no consequences and no fines, rawkaren. What a thought...the police carrying around scales to verify weights listed on your license. Makes me LOL...because they certainly have more important things to worry about it, right? I can see it now...instead of the fashion police we can have the fat police.

AND, they would need to find officers who don't hang out at Dunkin Donuts to be the fat police, too. Good luck with that in small town America. LOL

I renewed my license when I was 7 months pregnant one time. I know I weighed more than 100lbs over the weight on my license that time. If they noticed, they didn't bat an eye at it.
@Bobshouse - I have a french driving license & my photo MUST have glasses because I wear varifocals all the time - I've got towing categories so have to have the medical evey 5 years, at which point it is confirmed that I need glasses to drive (& also that I'm still breathing, but little else LOL)
Wait, what ? What's the purpose to have your weight on your driving licence ? Damned... There's no way I would put my real weight if I had to have it on mine. Nobody knows my real weight, even not my GP so you can imagine I wouldn't put it for the world to see...
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