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I got a notice that it is time to renew my driver's license. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I am now below the weight I had put on my last license.

Typically I have put an amount lower than reality, but still believable.

I asked OH if I should put my real weight or my realistic imaginary weight as I had in the past.

He was quite surprised that I would falsify my weight. Talking with other women, I've yet met one who puts her real weight down.

So, what do you do? What should I do since I am actively losing? Does that matter?
I can't believe you have to put your weight to get a driving licence!
How often do you have to renew? I'm just thinking it can't be very accurate!
Where I live we have to renew every 4 years.

It's sort of a joke among most that the weight on your license is never your real weight. More your goal weight.
Wow, I read the title and thought.......that must be one of our friends from across the pond .... we don't put our weight on, cos for a 10 yr license it stands little chance of being accurate for long :lol:
Well you learn something different every day on this forum.i never heard of that one before, I don't think I would be driving if we had to do that here in the UK :shock:
Hope it never travels this way but at least I'm on my way down towards a slightly better set of numbers :clover: Sue. :clover:
We don't have to out our weight either thank goodness, just the usual ugly photo
Not only do we have to put it on, it is THE main form of ID for anything that requires proof of age like buying spirits or senior discounts.

It never occurred to me the rest of you don't have to do this. I guess my feeble attempt at humor fell flat.
Do you know why you have to put it on JM? I was amazed to hear that!
Hi again well I've not even got my ugly photo on mine, thank god :shock:
At least by the time I have to get that done some of my chins will have departed lol and not a feeble attempt at humour not at all deffo.
:clover: Sue. :clover:
Wow, what a variance across the nations.
In Oz our licence is used by all as our photo ID- the youngsters who need it to get into clubs etc often get a learners licence/permit just so that they have a handy photo ID even if they are not yet learning to drive.
BUT no weight thank goodness!
My weight wasn't even right when I was 16! It said 125 back then and I was more like 138. LOL. It continued saying that for decades until recently the BMV started asking if that info was current. I gave a somewhat more believable underestimated number. Until they decide to install scales in the BMV they will have to take whatever number I think is almost believable. As long as they don't laugh hysterically I figure it's close enough. Now, when I weigh less than the number printed there you can bet your bottom dollar that I will have it changed again to the lowest believable number. :wink:

I think the weight and appearance information is there for police identification, to cut down on fake IDs, to help prevent having your identity stolen, etc.
Mine has said 170 lbs for years and years and years .... Even when I was well over 220 lbs and under 135 lbs. I tried to get them to change it when I had lost nearly 100 lbs but they said no since it was just a mail-in renewal and they were using my on file photo ... well I didn't want them to use that woman with the double chins anymore so I went and got just a Identification card .. New pic but still old weight! lol But at least I had an ID with a pic that looked like me! lol
I just looked at my license, and sure enough, it lists a weight 20 pounds less than my 5:2 starting weight in March! I rounded down quite a bit apparently...Now it's very close to the truth. I'm guessing no one actually looks at the number, not even the cops who pull people over and probably look closely at their age and picture.

The pictures on licenses are almost as ridiculous, since you can renew your license by mail every 4 years, so the picture might be very old indeed. And you might be not just a different weight, but have different colored hair. Men might be without a beard, or have added one, since the pic was taken.
I had my photo retaken last year because they have updated the process. They made me take off my glasses because the computer face recognition doesn't work with them. Um. OK. I have contacts; but I almost never wear them because of dry eyes, allergies and I now have the no line bifocals. So, anyway I don't get the point of it because if they tried the computer recognition on my face I would be wearing glasses like 98.5% of the time!
wendyjane wrote: Men might be without a beard, or have added one, since the pic was taken.

Never mind the men, what about post menopausal women and their beards?
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