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I dread this time of year, the nights are already drawing in and to cap it all this weekend we turn the clocks back in the Northern Hemisphere.

It takes my body clock weeks to adjust to the new time - I'm often in bed before 10pm now, so that means I'll be half asleep before 8.30pm from Sunday!

It doesn't affect my mood, but the shorter days switch on my 'Appetite' and from past experience I know that the only way not to eat certain foods is not to have them within 100 metres because my will power drops to an all time low! EG Whereas now I can walk by bakery shop and get a whiff of the lovely pastries, it will all change in a week or so,and I will find it difficult to succumb to the temptation, even though I know the pastry will cause bloating and a flare up of my psoriasis.

Just wondered if anyone else experiences a change at this time of the year?
Except the little adjustment for the 2-3 days after, it doesn't affects me. I take it a bit like a jet lag, I switch to my usual habits the same day, even if it means I am a bit tired for a few days. For example, I will put my alarm at 6:00 AM on Sunday, even if it means I will be up at 5:00AM

In fact the loss of light affects me more than the change of time, esepecially mid December when the days are so short
I still have to use the "spring forward, fall back" formula to work out which way we're going each time!

The only real effect on me (other than getting into a muddle) is a high level of irritation at having to traipse around the house changing all the clocks. I've just counted 14 to be changed (including watches). A bit time-bound, me :oops:

I used to work rotating shifts many, many moons ago and I do remember I was always on the wrong shift when the clocks changed. When everyone else got an hour's extra sleep, I'd be on the night shift. One hour less sleep and I'd be doing a back-to-back evening and morning shift!
The time change does not affect me but the number of hours of daylight does. I spend a lot of time in the northeast and it starts to get dark at 230pm just before Christmas. :cry: I try to stick to soups and stay away from grains and sugar as they affect my mood.
I am lucky, only one clock to change, the one on my microwave. The others change themselves and I don't wear a watch (neither does my partner). One exception though, the big clock in the bedroom that stays at summer time all year long, by choice.
I'm also affected by the darkness but not by the time change. That's why I truly love my SAD morning light that wakes me up by gradually lighting up the room. Alarm bells ringing in the middle of the night (time of day doesn't matter to me, if the light doesn't come through the curtains, it's the night) are making me stressed out and grumpy. The light helps A LOT.
I'm actually looking forward to having more light when I wake up after changing the clocks--I don't seem to mind an earlier dusk as much as I do a later dawn.

I do use a light therapy light from October 1 to March 31 every year, though. OH noticed that I seemed lower in energy and in mood during the winter, so I did some research into "winter blues"--Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)-libraries have some good books on the subject. The light I'm using is small, using LED technology and has a carrying case. Before retirement, I took it to work with me and set it up on my desk for use while checking email, etc. is the place I ordered it several years ago.
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