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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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MsRuby wrote: Hi everyone, I could do with some moral support here as I've lost my way a bit. Have had a stressful month ...I feel low on energy and mood generally at the moment.
...weight loss is so slow that it was hard for me to keep going. I'm not technically overweight now ...
I'm fasting today and feeling ok so far although now I'm a bit tearful. Help! :
I've been wondering how you're getting on @MsRuby.

Redundancies are wretched - both the the people who are made redundant and those left behind, wondering what's going to happen next. My DH has lived through this process x4 in 14 years and it takes a huge psychological and physical toll. Recognise that. It's such an achievement that you're maintaining despite that sort of stress level and what it's doing to your hormones.

The stress level may well be playing havoc with your hormones, sleep quality, food desires etc. and these may well combine to make weight change a slow process. There is a tent for you and others with weight change that does not feel as if it's illustrating the amount of time and effort that you put into your weight management - you might go and chat there and see where others in your shoes have to say: fastonbury-glamping-grounds-f34/taking-the-scenic-route-tent-t10961.html

You're tearful. I wonder if a mug of soup might literally warm your hands and if it's a broth, the salt might help you to feel better. There is no bright-siding of any of this, but sometimes, when we can slow down and take a breath, we can remember the emotional tools/resources that we have to help us in such situations.
Thanks @ssure - it's nice to have a virtual hug! Part of the problem is that I work remotely so any work issues seem to be even scarier when you can't offload with folks. My other half is now unhappy in his job too but we're hoping that's temporary.
I'm going to go downstairs and have a veg cup a soup to warm myself up but I feel better knowing that it's ok to just maintain and I'll aim for a second fast this week to try and get back on track. Thanks for sharing the other thread with me too.
R x
My first fast in ages, as I've been eating too many St Nicholas biscuits (speculaas) and chocolates lately. The scales are still ok but with another month of festivities to go I thought I'd better make sure I've got a buffer. I'd forgotten how hard it can be!! I do love the feeling of achievement the following day so I'll do my best not to give up today. Onto my third litre of water/herbal tea and it's only mid-afternoon.
Sorry to hear you're so down @MsRuby. I hope that cuppa soup has given you a lovely warm hug xx
My tummy is a rumblin now. How many hours to go?! :shock: :confused:
Bean :starving:
A hug from me as well@msruby x
@nursebean my tums rumblin so loud its rattlin all the crockery,cutlery and pans! :lol:
How is everyone doing? Well done Oz Folk x keep the faith US and Uk x @lizbean how you managing in work on no food,no sleep?
DD has just rung me..she said the cat butted the phone to say hello..she's doing 20:4 and its time to eat but she doesnt want to disturb puss as he's so comfy on her knee x
@Manderley yes you ARE crazy enjoying fasting on a cold day..brrrrrrr.tho i guess the idea of hot soup on a cold day is appealing! X
MsRuby, well done for fasting today. It is always a bit harder when you have not much to lose. I think fasting is definitely worth it if it keeps us from gaining. Hope you are feeling a bit better. Good luck.
Good morning! I survived Thanksgiving without gaining any weight. I'm so happy about that. I may not have lost weight in a month but I haven't gained either. Have a good day everyone!
Well I'm about half an hour away from eating. I really can't wait now. The only thing that worries me is that once I started eating? I won't be able to stop! :shock:
Bean :starving:
My fear too @nursebean but on the other hand,the excitement is unbearable!
How did scrambled eggs ever become so alluring!
Ive had to get the glaziers tummy rumbles have smashed Candy Cane's windowpanes to smithereens..its freeeeezing! :lol:
Oooh scrambled eggs! (Said in Homer Simpson voice!)
Din dins is almost here. It's unbearable. Mmmm smells yummy! Here I go...
Hehe! I can see the sparks flying from your knife and fork @nursebean!enjoy x
Think i ' ll use a giant size fork to eat my eggs x
Thanks everyone for all your lovely messages. Feeling a bit more cheerful now. Had a late lunch and just had dinner. You are so right @ieramul - in my 40s now and definitely want to avoid middle aged spread. Have a lovely evening everyone.
Just catching up after a good weekend and today's fast. Well done MsRuby for sticking with it. I hope you were slow enough to enjoy your dinner nursebean! Lol.

I still struggled to reach my 1650 calories a day since Friday, have had some alternative 'good' snacks to help on the feed days this week. Today's has flown by for me thankfully but I over did it a bit and am at 560 even though I was supposed to be aiming for 400 ish. I'll get it right one day!! Hopeful for tomorrow's weigh in for the forum tracker.
Hi everyone
@nursebean @CandiceMarie
I line up chilled bottles of water and drink for England.. hic.. to combat the devouring moments that quickly disappear.... also pop in a hot cuppa tea, as many as I like. Yep, I might visit you know where more often but by bedtime I know the fast is working very well. :grin: I leave my daily food treat till as late as I can. Tonight is chicken and kale soup, might make that providing I don't fall flat on flat on my face this evening (little sleep last night :bugeyes: :bugeyes: ). Race you up the stairs to bed Candice, bagsy the top bunk! :wink:
Milly107 wrote: I over did it a bit and am at 560 even though I was supposed to be aiming for 400 ish. I'll get it right one day!

@Milly107, I'm assuming that 560 calories is still substantially and usefully lower than your usual intake :)

My day has been fine appetite-wise despite my evil mood :curse: I suppose the positive to take away from this is that I know that eating something doesn't improve my mood, so I don't deceive myself that it would and I'm not prompted to eat by my low emotions. :victory: It's not that I'm battling an urge to eat something, I'm celebrating that (so far) I don't have the urge to try the emotional eating gambit.
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